Re: 3 mode driver for 445nm, one Li-ion
Hi. Fivos.
Welcome to the forums.
This 3 mode driver is cheap and nice.
1. Examine the driver board.
If there is no connection between c1 and LD(+), solder to fix as above picture.
2. Set the current with test load.
You must set the "pot" for the proper current. After each setting of pot, you should check the current of test load "several times" for 3 modes(or 5 modes) of the driver. When max 1200mA+, finish the setting.
You can search to find the threads of test load elsewhere. This link of my previous thread for high current test load may be helpful:
3. Solder to connect 445nm LD.
4. Prepare a heatsink for 445nm LD.
It is not advisable to power up 445nm over a few seconds only with Aixiz.
I made my custom P60-style heatsink in the pictures of the 1st post.
5. Power up and enjoy.
Don't forget the safety.
I don't know the reason for your "sound from the driver". There is no sound of my driver...
edit) I think this driver can supply 445nmLD max. 1200mA. So one can connect the LD and then set the pot without test load. But needs LPM. And when setting the pot, must not power up the driver.