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FrozenGate by Avery

Newbie safety concerns

Apr 2, 2016
Hello wise people of the inter webs.

First off I am purchasing a laser off gumtree that i will be using to burn glass anemone's in my reef aquarium.

The laser in question is class 3 made in china and reads max power output of 5000mw and 532nm +-10 and is green.

Now i have purchased safety glasses model LSG02 from dragon lasers, Are they sufficient in protecting my eyes? as i imagine there will be a lot of diffused light from the glass and water in the tank.

Second should i be worried about Chinese lasers and IR light?

Thank you in advance

Hi ,
Isaac is correct The way your writing 5000mW's = 5W's i doubt very much that this laser will do that from a Chinese vendor alone being 523nm.. A 405nm at 800mW's will do the trick in your aquarium .

First off I am purchasing a laser off gumtree that i will be using to burn glass anemone's in my reef aquarium.

The laser in question is class 3 made in china and reads max power output of 5000mw and 532nm +-10 and is green.

That laser won't work for that purpose. Any laser of 500mW or more is class 4. Many cheap Chinese lasers have bullshit labels making false claims about the power. There is no hand held battery power 532nm laser of 5000mW, the only 532nm of that power would be a large lab laser that plugs into the wall and it would cost thousands.

Now i have purchased safety glasses model LSG02 from dragon lasers, Are they sufficient in protecting my eyes? as i imagine there will be a lot of diffused light from the glass and water in the tank.

Second should i be worried about Chinese lasers and IR light?

Only 532nm lasers or IR lasers or some lasers of exotic wavelength that are DPSS leak IR. The laser you need doesn't produce any IR.

The laser suggested above, the 405nm at 800mW may work, they can really burn but I have some doubt about this. Several people here before have bought lasers for this and they all used 445/450nm blue lasers, a couple of them didn't get one powerful enough the first time. You need something over 3W in a 445/450nm and even that isn't always good enough for this purpose so I suggest 4W+, this would probably cost something in the range of $350usd or so just for the laser, or about $100 less if you want to try it with something lower power. Remember you will need good quality batteries and a charger and better safety glasses.

thanks, nice thread!
Thanks alot for the information it is well noted..
I'm gonna go ahead a buy the said laser because it's cheap and at worst I still have a laser pointer.
But I think I will still end up going for the stronger one mentioned.
Thanks again:)

At PI yes it did work 800+mW's of 405nm with a G2 did the trick in my aquarium when i fed my oscars live feeders. You get small worms from falling flesh to the bottom where they start to migrate. I hit them with the 405 and they pop instantly poof !! And it's fun to do ...

