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FrozenGate by Avery

Newb from Texas


New member
May 16, 2019
Hello, and greetings to all. I'm 55 years old....I love Guns, Fishing, Hot Rods, Motorcycles, Optics & Lasers.....been fascinated with Lasers pretty much all my life.

I'm fortunate to have a pretty cool job which among other things, allows me to mess with some pretty decent machines:

Epilog Helix CO2 Laser etchers:


I stumbled across this forum after finally deciding I wanted to learn more and with any luck at all, have something made..even though I'm pretty adept at running graphics programs and laser etching, electronics is way over my head.

I have a couple of El' Cheapo laser pointers, and after reading some forum posts, realized I was waaaay out of my league...What I thought was decent turned out to be total pieces of shit. For yeas I thought that we (USA) had a restriction on laser power... <5mw and only the military had the real goodies. As I'm finding out, even the military grade laser's don't come close to what can be had. Because I cant afford in any shape or fashion, a military Laser Designator, much less the ability to buy one, I'm in search of knowledge....

Reading posts I have found sites that sell BAD ASS and powerful lasers, such as Sanwu & JetLasers.....BUT.....nobody is offering anything in a "Gun Mountable" configuration. In other words, a Laser body that will allow for Windage & Elevation adjustments. I want to be the new "kid on the block" with a laser sight that will paint a target 4 miles away, and burn a Mexican Blackbird up in flames from 50 yards.....you get the idea.

I purchased this "Sight" a few years ago thinking it was the shit:


Needless to say, K-Y Jelly was not included...only 36 grit.........

God Bless everyone, God Bless the USA, and God Bless Texas.......Rock on.
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Yeah, there is little point to a 2 watt laser sight for a rifle. It would be next to impossible to put a 2 watt 532nm laser into a sight because they are diode pumped and expend a great deal of heat. Also, the PSs for them are generally large too, not to mention the drivers.
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Yeah, there is little point to a 2 watt laser sight for a rifle. It would be next to impossible to put a 2 watt 532nm laser into a sight because they are diode pumped and expend a great deal of heat. Also, the PSs for them are generally large too, not to mention the divers.

Thanx for your expert observations...Its most appreciated.
Welcome to LPF seems you will fit in well here. You have some great hobbies enjoy buddy.

PM coming-- Your Intro was super!! We don't get many like that.. TY for taking the time-- feel free to help us greet other new members and link them ALL to yr intro..

I also like to suggest that (like you) include something in the title about location AND in all personal profiles-- that is the only way we can keep up with new members -- so thanks for that in yr profile We promise to invite you to the next TEXLEM...hak
PM coming-- Your Intro was super!! We don't get many like that.. TY for taking the time-- feel free to help us greet other new members and link them ALL to yr intro..

I also like to suggest that (like you) include something in the title about location AND in all personal profiles-- that is the only way we can keep up with new members -- so thanks for that in yr profile We promise to invite you to the next TEXLEM...hak

Thank you kind Sir !... Wherabouts' in TX ? I live just outside Houston..
