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FrozenGate by Avery


Sep 16, 2007
I just visited the Laserglow website and they updated it... and... their lasers come with the company logo on 'em... the old CNI Lyra series looks much prettier and it looks like they come with the option of having a pocket clip or not. Does anyone know if NOVA plans to do the same? I hope they do, because I almost have enough cash saved for an X-105 and I would really like it if they looked as nice as the new Laserglow Lyra series.

And does this mean Laserglow is manufacturing their own lasers or is CNI just updating their looks?

I think I might buy a couple 5mW pointers from Laserglow (the Lyra and Lyra C) just because they look so damn pretty.

Does Laserglow and NOVA have a representative on this forum?

I'm excited. Hopefully by the time I get my X-105 NOVA will have done the same.

yep "justin" is from laserglow, and "NOVADan" is from, well can you guess? :D
Wow they have fixed a new design on the site! Looks really nice! :)

Yeah it would be cool if NOVA also could fix in their logo or the model name on their lasers!
Looks very nice.
Specially new looks for Rigel and Lyra series.
RA_pierce said:
And does this mean Laserglow is manufacturing their own lasers or is CNI just updating their looks?
CNI is still making them and Laserglow are just laser engraving them themselves, i think.. hmm, if the hercules is supposed to be exclusive to laserglow, maybe laserglow should ask CNI to engrave them, so that at least the CNI ones can't be easily resold by others *cough*techlasers*cough* and any that appear without the engraving are definite clones...
and have you noticed the promotion they are running??
WHOOHOOO get a 400mw and get a TON MORE LASERS FREE!!!
WOW you just can't beat that offer! spend $3000 and get over $600 in lasers FREE!!.
I'm savin my money!
FYI: The green laser pointers (Lyra, Lyra-C, Lyra-F, Galileo) are NOT made by CNI. We are having them custom made specially for us, and the quality of these new pointers surpasses any of the CNI <5mW pointers. The button, diode, output power, divergence, housing, case and everything else are better and more reliable than CNI's pointers which is why we're now using a different manufacturer to produce them for us.

Even I had to trade in my old CNI pointer when I saw the new ones for the first time, and I didn't even get to keep it! I took it to a party here in Toronto, and it was so awesome looking that someone bought it right out of my hand and I had to get myself another one the next day... and then it happened again the next weekend! Seems like I can't even go out with one of these new pointers without somebody trying to buy it right out of my hand... I'm going to have to engrave my name on it just so I can keep one for myself. Laser vultures keep scavenging my personal lasers!

...Though, I am a sales guy so maybe it just means that I'm even more convincing in person than over email. ;)
Justin said:
FYI: The green laser pointers (Lyra, Lyra-C, Lyra-F, Galileo) are NOT made by CNI. We are having them custom made specially for us, and the quality of these new pointers surpasses any of the CNI <5mW pointers. The button, diode, output power, divergence, housing, case and everything else are better and more reliable than CNI's pointers which is why we're now using a different manufacturer to produce them for us.

Even I had to trade in my old CNI pointer when I saw the new ones for the first time, and I didn't even get to keep it! I took it to a party here in Toronto, and it was so awesome looking that someone bought it right out of my hand and I had to get myself another one the next day... and then it happened again the next weekend! Seems like I can't even go out with one of these new pointers without somebody trying to buy it right out of my hand... I'm going to have to engrave my name on it just so I can keep one for myself. Laser vultures keep scavenging my personal lasers!

...Though, I am a sales guy so maybe it just means that I'm even more convincing in person than over email. ;)
Justin, you should offer custom engraving of your lasers as an extra option, i'm sure that as long as it was a reasonable price, many people would get it :)
These lasers are lovley, well done justin, this was the right move to battle other laser companies as I see your lasers as a very sound product! and with the addition of the new styling, phworrrr. Very nice. Fantastic.

I may have to save a few more pennies :D
I really like the new Lyra-C series. And even the Original Lyra looks so much better than the CNI's. I want one.
Oops! I just noticed an error on the new site. For everyone's information, the Rigel is not yet available with the new engraved look, and it is one of the two laser pointers still made by CNI (along with the blue Aquarius series). We may be getting around to improving the look of the Rigel and Aquarius some day, but it hasn't happened yet. Sorry for any confusion!
Also, you may notice the automatic quantity discounts available on the pointers now... We're thinking it's perfect for holiday gifts (lasers for everyone!) or a good money-saver on a group buy. You even get a discount just for buying two of the same kind!
I'll take that as one vote for "update the Rigel housing". ;)

Don't worry, we'll get to it eventually, I just can't make any promises about a timeline until we get done with our Christmas season rush. Plus, we haven't had any Rigels in stock for almost a month because we're having supply issues... Ah well. If you really want a yellow laser take a look at the Vega!
