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FrozenGate by Avery

New guy here.For Strong Green Focusable Lazer?

Jun 18, 2013
Hallo guys!I want to put a question here.I Want to buy a good but not cost a fortune portable pen size or light scrabber Green laser with a Strong and fat continuously beam for the night but i want it strong fat and visible through the day too.Can you propose me the Mw and the Nm??Also maybe is it better to communicate here with a trusted experienced Modder who creates here to create one for me??Thank you for any help!

Guys, don't comment here!

Chris190577: Use the search bar. All of your questions have been answered hundreds of times. Look at the BST section for sellers. Also, spoon feeding in this forum in frowned upon.

Good luck
You want too much stuff for a little price. A green beam is the most visible laser out there, but to be able to see it in daylight (the beam) you would need an insane ammount of power and money.

Powerfull green lasers are only DPSS, and factory made. For example a 1W green might be what you are looking for but the price range is from $1000 up.

I think that you really need to read some more before you understand what you asked for...

Good luck.
Ok guys!Thank you very much.I Will read and come back to you!Thank you.
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No self teaching no spoonfeeding

The OP sounds.. weird/ he is talking about a laser right?

"Strong and fat continuously beam for the night but i want it strong fat"


starting to sound like a laser on viagra.
any one bother to read his other post?
hopefully it was in the welcome section..
Ah! no wonder he is from Greece.

"Hallo from Greece friends outhere.Iam Christos and iam fun of Lasers.I would like from you that you are experienced guys to learn more about Strong beam laser pointers and how to modify one that i have.Now iam with a Green Laser china cheap one.Thank you for accepting me in the forum."

Christos- --ABOUT--modify China Green Laser--- NOT Happening. SORRY- this is a common question.
Good Luck to you- Hak
Last edited:
No location no reply
No self teaching no spoonfeeding

The OP sounds.. weird/ he is talking about a laser right?

"Strong and fat continuously beam for the night but i want it strong fat"


starting to sound like a laser on viagra.
any one bother to read his other post?
hopefully it was in the welcome section..
Ah! no wonder he is from Greece.

"Hallo from Greece friends outhere.Iam Christos and iam fun of Lasers.I would like from you that you are experienced guys to learn more about Strong beam laser pointers and how to modify one that i have.Now iam with a Green Laser china cheap one.Thank you for accepting me in the forum."

Christos- --ABOUT--modify China Green Laser--- NOT Happening. SORRY- this is a common question.
Good Luck to you- Hak

oh god the dirty images this post caused, once i finally got the thoughts out of my head i thought of a high power green laser with a beam expander..
oh god the dirty images this post caused, once i finally got the thoughts out of my head i thought of a high power green laser with a beam expander..


There ya go, thoughts back.
they love to pick on new guys.if you want to get on their good side then read a bunch and keep your eye on the buy sell trade board.ive been here four months reading and i barely have a clue.
watch the board and learn a little faster.and good luck.
