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FrozenGate by Avery

New 8W+ 470nm DEMON diode NUBM0G 🥶


Well-known member
Dec 14, 2020
Got this diode in the mail this week. Brand new from the factory, virgin pins. The array which the diode was extracted from had serial number 00000xxx, which indicates it's one of the first 100 blocks manufacturerd from factory.

It's color is 465nm at 3.5A, but shifts to a gorgeous 470nm at around 5A.

This diode can comfortably do 8W+ with stock Gball lens at 6A, and shows no signs of foldback.
Driving this diode at 6.5A+ will yield 9W+ w/ stock Gball lens, however this may damage the diode.
Tests were done in stock Nichia 8 diode array block, on a ophir LPM head at ambient temperature and passive cooling.


<3A 465nm
>5A 470nm

Power w/ G2 Lens:
High Power Blue LD Measurements.png

I will be selling these individually on my website if any of you are interersted
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I believe that's the same as the unit I just ordered only with an added FAC and replaced window can, supposedly they have one listed as 4.75W @ 3.0A vs. these which are 4.1W @ 3.0A....... I will find out what mine will take when it arrives in a few weeks but I seriously doubt it will do 8-9W...... however I would love to be surprised.

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I can't wait till i get mine, haven't decided if i want to run it decanned or with a G-ball adapter
I talked to a laser products seller in China who can re-cap/backfill the GBall diodes but I need to place a minimum order and I haven't tested the NUBM0G yet, it's likely the same but I would need to test to know before ordering even a block of 8 re-canned, also I really only want a couple for myself.

How about one of you entrepreneur get some re-canned and I will buy a couple from you ?
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I'm sure both of these diodes will end up recapped by them anyway and selling them on their site eventually. Since they seem to be rated so similarly, I wouldn't be surprised if they end up getting binned together and sold as a "470nm 4.75W diodes"
The push seems to be towards lower frequency or longer wavelength probably because of the evolution of their phosphor they pump in the projectors.

People often say " higher wavelength " because 465nm is a bigger number than 405nm, but actually 465nm is a lower frequency than 405nm.
465nm is also a longer wavelength than 405nm.

So an easy way to remember it is ( wavelength is longer-shorter ) and ( frequency is higher-lower ) .... just remember length is distance as in wave length.

465nm is a measure of distance between the waves, so 465nm is longer than 405nm

Now when the waves are closer together the frequency is higher ( more waves per measure of time )

So 465nm is a lower frequency and a longer wavelength than 405nm...... even though the number is bigger/more.

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Higher frequency/ shorter wavelengnth=better material absorption due to greater molecular/electron excitation and less energy loss. 450ishnm is a very balanced wave true, but if higher power nearer uv get cheaper =better
