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FrozenGate by Avery

New 589 build!! Only $ 8!!

All four of the AMC chips are in parallel , removing any of the two of the AMC chips would have the same affect .

They should be all the same size ?
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Grainde, could this flashlight easily be replaced with a 1000ma driver and where could I get one?

Buying parts for a 455nm flashlight build!
Thank you!
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Grainde, could this flashlight easily be replaced with a 1000ma driver and where could I get one?

Buying parts for a 455nm flashlight build!
Thank you!

Apparently each of those chips on the driver he used is 350mA so just keep three on the board and desolder one of them to get 1050mA. I'm going to play it safe and desolder two of them for long life.
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Unfortunately I have no way to test the current so I have to just buy one that's pre-rated.
I'm not going to test the current lol I'm just going to desolder two of the chips like grainde did, it should work just fine.
Hi guys 3x AMC gives 1050 mA as Hydrosean said. You can either just remove 1 chip, from the driver I posted, or get a preset 1050 mA driver from eg Fasttech, DX, Kaidomain etc. They also have 700 mA versions too, but it's fun and good soldering practice to mod the boards.;)

2* AMC7135 LED Flashlight Driver Circuit

3* AMC7135 4-Group 2~5 Modes LED Flashlight Driver Circuit (Nanjg AK-47A)

In my case, I had a few 1.4 A drivers lying around so I just removed 2 chips to get the desired current. FYI you can also add and stack chips, to get higher currents. If it's of interest I can post about a mod I did, adding 8 x 380 mA AMC CHIPS to a 3040 mA driver, to get a to total of 6080 mA to drive an MT-G2 emitter in a C8 host. If anyone wants to try this there are a couple of other mods needed to run the driver at 8.4 V.

You can also buy bare AMC chips 350 mA, or 380 mA versions from Fasttech.

AMC7135 350mA Advanced Current Regulators - SOT-89 (10-Pack)

AMC7135 380mA Advanced Current Regulators - SOT-89 (10-Pack)
My current soldering iron is crap from harbor freight with a burnt down tip so I won't be doing any precision soldering until I get another weller.
Very cool sir! Great idea for the 589nm beauty without the sky high cost, not to mention that it looks like it was a lot of fun to build! :beer:
I have one question, how, and what did you use to re-flow the LED to the aluminum base plate? I may have to try my hand at one of these.

That last photo makes it look like you own a flamethrower! :yh:
Thanks BowtieGuy :) I have been using a variable temp soldering station with handheld hot air reflow system. Im back home in a few days so I'll post the make and model for you. IIRC it was around $ 100 and it has worked flawlessly for the last 5 years.:beer:
Unfortunately I have no way to test the current so I have to just buy one that's pre-rated.

You know that you don't use a soldering iron to "flow" the emitter onto the baseplate right? You just tin some solder on the board and place the emitter over and melt with a heat gun until the solder flows.
@ Bowtieguy! Sorry I forgot to give you the info on my soldering station! It's a W.E.P 872d SMD rework station. It looks like this:


And here is an eBay link if you are interested - I didn't buy it from here though...;)

Lötstation WEP 872D 2 in 1

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