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FrozenGate by Avery

New 1 Watt C6 445 nm Laser for sale

I had a 18650 from my overpriced survival laser and it works as stated. Won't really burn anything, but you can still see the beam in the air. I guess it is still pretty dangerous at this power, but the reflection off most surfaces don't seem so dangerously bright.

The build quality on this thing is rally nice, and I like how small and portable it is. Looks alot like my survival laser, but just a lot cheaper in price. Putting it together was even easier than the survival laser also, if I remember right. Regardless I think anyone could put it together even without the instrucions.
BTW: if you focus this thing and either have a steady hand or get close enough, it works great for lighting fireworks.

I impressed the people on my block by keeping myself between them and the beem, wearing my laser glasses I already had, and lighting some fireworks I had left over with this laser.

As long as you are carefull, this thing is a lot of fun.
I had a 18650 from my overpriced survival laser and it works as stated. Won't really burn anything, but you can still see the beam in the air. I guess it is still pretty dangerous at this power, but the reflection off most surfaces don't seem so dangerously bright.

The build quality on this thing is rally nice, and I like how small and portable it is. Looks alot like my survival laser, but just a lot cheaper in price. Putting it together was even easier than the survival laser also, if I remember right. Regardless I think anyone could put it together even without the instrucions.

If it is a 1w laser and you can see it in the air it can definitely burn. Do you know how to focus it?

EDIT: you posted too fast for me. :D Be careful using it around people.
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The not burning anything is with a single 18650 4.2-3.7 volts instead of the two CR123s 2x3 volts or two 16340s 2X4.2 to 3.7 volts).

Since these diodes like to drop about 5 Volts avg. at full power, a single 18650 with a buck stile regulator is just enough to get them to Lase.

Know you were trying to help, but I not only have a degree in Lasers, but have used Lasers that would Ionize the air when focused.

Just wan't to make sure other users know what a great deal this is, and how the single battery mode works good.

Always were saftey glasses, and if others are around without them, warn them not to look, and put yourself between them and the point the beem hits.

Also if you can play pool, you know how things bounce off surfaces, and know where to put the people. :-)
Yea, I too tend to just skim through posts. If you didn't read the post I was responding to, it looked like I was saing it wouldn't burn.

Let me be clear: With the shipped 2 batteries this thing will BURN. Don't even need to focus it to burn most stuff. It will burn your skin very quickly two :-). If you don't wear eye protection this thing can make blind spots in your eye almost instantly on a direct hit or even a good reflection.

NO defects, work great. Should have includided the original post I was responding to in my reply. Sorry for any confusion and thanks for the quik response.
I just got an updated tracking number for the kits. DHL 9970892993

So i guess that means they'll be here in a couple of days.

Get with me before you purchase any more from me though. I can probably cut your costs significantly. I've got all the parts except for the diode.
