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Negative Experience - Le Thanh Tung (thanhtung)

Just don't say anything that could get you banned or something. Be tactful.

I hope you get this resolved. Always a shame to see negative responses to a seller. But important all the same.
I just want to point out trinh hong phuoc has no relation and is a respectable and talented machinist, just in case this thread causes any confusion.
I hope you get this resolved. Always a shame to see negative responses to a seller. But important all the same.
I just want to point out trinh hong phuoc has no relation and is a respectable and talented machinist, just in case this thread causes any confusion.
Exactly, I trust what trinh does and I adore his work, All my hosts from him are so well made and the threads are so smooth! He is the only guy except for Rich that I would entrust machining a host to. As far as Tung goes I really dislike what he has been doing recently, Mostly on part of his lack of safety which he has showcased a lot of times in the past. Also, the Facebook group of his on Facebook effectively bullies someone if they dare say anything against him till they delete their comment.

Furthermore, his drivers are a joke, I reverse engineered all of them and they seem to all be based on cv chips made for designing CV supplies, Furthermore his lack of electronics knowledge, layout considerations, and cheaping out on components really shows. I mean If you want to design drivers cool learn how to, make a few prototyping runs, confirm that they work flawlessly, and only then begin to sell them. While tung just designed whatever he could vaguely understand off the datasheet and called it a day with no Fs given. His by far worst offender is the Kdriver Buck 6A. He tied together their feedback loops, put the Ics and their respective inductors in parallel with just a singular output capacitor using the lowest quality components with ratings that were just enough for it not to blow up imminently. And he still dares to sell them and claim that they are CC and that their power output(ripple) is good..... If you have one of his lasers and it uses the Kdriver series (although it seems like his updated Kdriver boost n' buck may be CC but don't quote me on that, I would have to test them to be certain) BE CAREFULL AND DONT LET IT RUN HOT! the CV drivers are very likely to cause thermal runaway with overcurrent if the diodes forward voltage drops significantly with the temperature rise. Are you wondering why my drivers are not out for sale yet while I already have confirmed that they work and have a ripple of only 20mv p-p? It's because I want to spend more time optimizing the design, layout, and size so I can deliver the best driver I possibly can. The aforementioned 3A buck design of mine is ready and already updated to revision 2 which has better output and input filtering characteristics and is smaller. Expect to have it in your hands in about a month and I will be including test reports for each driver bought by a customer. Going back to the topic at hand,

My other problem with tung is that he tends to lie about specifications a lot. Power, duty cycles, and other specs. Case and point: https://laserpointerforums.com/thre...-450nm-and-some-my-builds.105154/post-1569073
That duty cycle claim is absolute crap! I have a personal build in that host with a copper module from DTR all the way in and while it can last up to 20 sec cause I am using the copper module it needs a good 45s-2min to cool down else only the exterior SS cools down and the diode itself is being run at a very unhealthy 40-50C! furthermore, my build is only 800mw Imagine what that diode set at 1.4w is going through! and it seems that he used the classic epoxy method to mount that nickel-plated brass module inside, I only hope he did the right thing and used thermal epoxy and compound.

My whole point is that: You want to start a business making lasers and selling parts? Cool but you must dedicate time to learn how to do stuff properly, Not just learning enough to make a profit out of folks who don't know any better... Also, I love how much he blames Astralist for his LPM readings while he holds the laser as close as possible to the sensor... 1606213970148.png
He used to be a lot better than this... I have been waiting quite a while to address this and now seems like the right time for a wake-up call.
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Alright , you are no.1 🤣
Please be kind and do not harm anyone!
I am not saying that I am the best, I am saying that you should try harder and learn more stuff instead of riding on profit made from people who don't know any better. Have you noticed most of your customers are getting their first laser from you? No wonder... and believe it or not, I AM being really kind right now, for how shit this situation is. And no, I'm not harming anyone, I'm just stating the facts. If you feel like I'm harming or insulting you then I can just say this. "Whoever eats the chili, feels the heat" Sadly unlike Facebook I won't automatically get 100+ users sending personal and impersonal insults to me for daring to speak against you.
Have a nice day dear!
Edit: Seems like Tung changed the privacy settings of the group as a cover-up or banned me from it because of this post but here's the link if anybody is interested:

Laser Pointer Fans - Facebook

Plain rip off of the LPF acronym to get more hits. It's purely an advertising groop for his lasers and it has a lot of laser misuse by numerous members on it, Before you ask the mods and admins do nothing about it and there its generally endorsed by many members that laser goggles are not needed and the admins and mods do nothing when that is said.
Edit2: Yup he banned me out of pure spite and possibly because he doesn't want me to expose more of the shit there.
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I hope you get this resolved. Always a shame to see negative responses to a seller. But important all the same.
I just want to point out trinh hong phuoc has no relation and is a respectable and talented machinist, just in case this thread causes any confusion.

For me, however oddly, this has been resolved. Le Thanh Tung refunded 100% of my money.

I have zero idea why he refuses to acknowledge he did...
You are trying to adverrising about your driver? Ok good, I don’t have any idea with your driver whichs you were talk in discord , 😂 I believe you are not really a woman bro! No.1 ! I like it !! Keep going! Haha
You are trying to adverrising about your driver? Ok good, I don’t have any idea with your driver whichs you were talk in discord , 😂 I believe you are not really a woman bro! No.1 ! I like it !! Keep going! Haha
Lol please do continue making a fool of yourself, More entertainment to us! 1rst of all:
I don't need to advertise my driver and nor did I advertise It I just mentioned my design process and how I develop them together with the steps I take to ensure that I deliver a good product. 2nd where did I say that I was a girl? and really nice that you switched to personal attacks instead of addressing the situation and making a promise to do better in the future. 3rd I knew you were seeing my driver as I was talking about it in styros discord and getting advice from my EE friends there but then I figured out you were eyeing it and deleted any info about it. I even thought about teaching you the basics in terms of layout and design considerations for these high-frequency CC SMPSs. Also talking about drivers, How come all your drivers are marked with "made in the USA" but you are Vietnamese?
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Ok you are no1 bro 😊 pls keep going! It is really make me relax at my hard working!
Safety Safety Safety. Same old story. Please see the images attached for context.

It's been like 1-2 weeks after that ridiculous post of that guy playing with his dog with a >1 watt green laser. Today it's a different dude that is playing with his bird, with (you guessed it) a >1 watt green laser. I honestly don't understand why there is still no admin intervention when such posts are shared there.

Edit: The dude only did it long enough to take that picture, but still, reckless behaviour. As usual, there was no admin intervention. (But I did reply to the post, cautioning for safety.)

Hear me out for a second. It might sound crazy but over time, with more and more shit posts like this being put up and not having admin intervention, it makes the users there grow complacent towards safety. In an ideal world, I would not need to explain why growing complacent towards safety is bad, but let me give you a small example.

In March-July, my country (Malaysia) was doing a great job at keeping Covid at bay. We got the daily cases down to the single digits by May-June and we were feeling very optimistic about the future. Then, people became complacent, government officials were feeling complacent. This culminated in a poor decision to hold a state election in September (with everyone seemingly forgetting that we are still in a Pandemic). Fast forward to today, we are now having 1000 cases per day. The deaths have gone up by 200 cases since March-August. From March-September, we had 12K total cases. October alone pushed us to nearly 30K, and now we have blasted past Singapore and have 60K total cases.

Shit pandemic news aside, I think this is a bit similar to what's going on in that Facebook group. The absolute lack of safety advocation will lead to the users there taking safety for granted, and lead to complacency. Today it's just a handful of users being ignorant, tomorrow it might be more.

Sooner or later, it's going to have some kind of domino effect and we would then see this hobby being banned by world governments when someone does a big BooBoo.

To put it 𝐯𝐞𝐫𝐲 𝐥𝐢𝐠𝐡𝐭𝐥𝐲, with all the things spilled in the previous replies, it's abundantly clear someone has to step up their game.
Insert "It is what it is" meme here.

I'd also like to add that the LPF name/acronym is a brilliant display of subliminal messaging, if that's the intention all along.
Reminds me of the Marlboro subliminal advertising that was in Formula 1. For those not aware, the FIA banned tobacco companies from advertising in F1 racing in general. Marlboro did this really weird logo which looked like a bar code when the ferrari (Marlboro sponsors them) was stationary, but morphs into a very Marlboro-looking logo when the car is going 300kph.


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Safety Safety Safety. Same old story. Please see the images attached for context.

It's been like 1-2 weeks after that ridiculous post of that guy playing with his dog with a >1 watt green laser. Today it's a different dude that is playing with his bird, with (you guessed it) a >1 watt green laser. I honestly don't understand why there is still no admin intervention when such posts are shared there.

Edit: The dude only did it long enough to take that picture, but still, reckless behaviour. As usual, there was no admin intervention. (But I did reply to the post, cautioning for safety.)

Hear me out for a second. It might sound crazy but over time, with more and more shit posts like this being put up and not having admin intervention, it makes the users there grow complacent towards safety. In an ideal world, I would not need to explain why growing complacent towards safety is bad, but let me give you a small example.

In March-July, my country (Malaysia) was doing a great job at keeping Covid at bay. We got the daily cases down to the single digits by May-June and we were feeling very optimistic about the future. Then, people became complacent, government officials were feeling complacent. This culminated in a poor decision to hold a state election in September (with everyone seemingly forgetting that we are still in a Pandemic). Fast forward to today, we are now having 1000 cases per day. The deaths have gone up by 200 cases since March-August. From March-September, we had 12K total cases. October alone pushed us to nearly 30K, and now we have blasted past Singapore and have 60K total cases.

Shit pandemic news aside, I think this is a bit similar to what's going on in that Facebook group. The absolute lack of safety advocation will lead to the users there taking safety for granted, and lead to complacency. Today it's just a handful of users being ignorant, tomorrow it might be more.

Sooner or later, it's going to have some kind of domino effect and we would then see this hobby being banned by world governments when someone does a big BooBoo.

To put it 𝐯𝐞𝐫𝐲 𝐥𝐢𝐠𝐡𝐭𝐥𝐲, with all the things spilled in the previous replies, it's abundantly clear someone has to step up their game.
Insert "It is what it is" meme here.

I'd also like to add that the LPF name/acronym is a brilliant display of subliminal messaging, if that's the intention all along.
Reminds me of the Marlboro subliminal advertising that was in Formula 1. For those not aware, the FIA banned tobacco companies from advertising in F1 racing in general. Marlboro did this really weird logo which looked like a bar code when the ferrari (Marlboro sponsors them) was stationary, but morphs into a very Marlboro-looking logo when the car is going 300kph.
Lol isn't it kinda funny how they brag about their laser being specifically "1.3W" as opposed to just saying >1W. If you're gonna flex with a laser, make sure you do so safely and have an LPM to back it up!
Lol isn't it kinda funny how they brag about their laser being specifically "1.3W" as opposed to just saying >1W. If you're gonna flex with a laser, make sure you do so safely and have an LPM to back it up!

I don't think flexing is any of their intentions. And TBH I don't really care if they are overstating their laser specs, flexing, showing off or whatever. But what disgusts me the most is, as you said, "do so safely", which I don't see those users doing. 5mW is the threshold for eye hazard for a reason. I will never understand why someone would use a 1 watt laser for playing with pets. Now before I go into a needless rant, I'll just stop myself here.

It's already some fucking miracle that our hobby isn't scrutinized to hell by world governments. Those of us with more knowledge in this hobby, have an obligation to steer newbies into the right path (of taking safety seriously.) I fucking love lasers, and besides not wanting to see people harm themselves/others with lasers, the last thing I want to see is this hobby getting banned by governments.
Hi Giannis_TDM, not to intervene here in the subject at hand or derail it, but an innocent question out of my curiosity.
May I ask how old are you?
I'm asking because styropyro regarded you in his last video (just out a couple of days ago) as a 15 year old. You don't sound anywhere near that age, in fact if I had to guess I'd say you sound at least twice that. And I'm sure he made an honest mistake. But I still wonder :)
Hi Giannis_TDM, not to intervene here in the subject at hand or derail it, but an innocent question out of my curiosity.
May I ask how old are you?
I'm asking because styropyro regarded you in his last video (just out a couple of days ago) as a 15 year old. You don't sound anywhere near that age, in fact if I had to guess I'd say you sound at least twice that. And I'm sure he made an honest mistake. But I still wonder :)
No mistake! I am in fact 15.
