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neg rep happy?

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Mar 11, 2009
What makes this member so angry so often that he waves the neg rep wand everywhere he goes? I know others have noticed it and don't like it either because tthey've told me.

What makes this member so angry so often that he waves the neg rep wand everywhere he goes? I know others have noticed it and don't like it either because tthey've told me.

Noticed it also, your not alone buddy. In my mind, throwing around neg rep for no reason dosen't promote what this community is built on, which is friendliness and support of one another. Hec, one person dosen't understand what he is talking about? Help him out instead of giving him neg rep. Some people may disagree but that's how I see it! Neg rep IMO should only be given to: Spammers/Trolls/Scammers/Foul-mouthed people who swear at others for no reason just to be an A$$/Racist Morons and basically all the people who just cause nothing but crap this forum dosen't need.

I live everyday trying to see how I can make this world a happier, more enjoyable place for everyone to live.

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This is not a kindergarten where people are trying to preserve the self-esteem of kids. A lot of the neg-repped posts are of pretty dubious or disinformative value, and others are for less-than-classy behavior.

Anyway, I'd rather see more critical rep votes than all these inane "high-five!" type "+rep to you!" reps/posts. I'd care more about those, but rep is essentially meaningless anyway.
Call somebody a dick, get a -rep.

Seems like the system works just fine.
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