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FrozenGate by Avery

Need some suggestions for posting in B/T/S zone (Can't open the topic)

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Sep 5, 2008
Dear all:

I know I am a newbie to everyone but I wanna sell something bought

from the members here.

I am not sure even I reach 20 posts will post it successful or not.

Because my some posts is not useful to this forum so I am still not qualified to post in B/T/A zone.

but I dunno how to say something useful due to my poor English and not very good at laser.

Super Moderator suggest me to find a veteran to help me sell the laser but I wanna post

by myself and then I can drop price any time or modify some wording easily

and no need to bother any people...

I really wanna sell something quickly, any suggestions for me?

Do I really need someone to post this for me?? thanx a lot
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Posts, threads, and PM's whining about why you don't like a rule of the forum is NOT posting "laser related" posts

You're gone for five years and then want to find a way around the rules

LPF is NOT Craig's List or the classified section of your local newspaper

If you want to sell it "quickly" try advertising it locally

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