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FrozenGate by Avery

Need help, broken laser I found :P

Oct 26, 2010
So I found a laser I previously bought from ebay with 240mW power ( I know it's not really) :P.

I'm a complete newbie when it comes to building lasers so this might have a simple fix.
The button to press to switch on the laser is loose and I believe the spring where you insert the batteries is not straight either, they seem to be connected however I might be wrong here.
Also this little black thing seems to have come from somewhere, I think it was connected to the switch somehow.
I will post pics so you can see :


Sorry for the bad quality pics + the black thing is really quite small.

I was trying to open the laser earlier but I'm scared of breaking it even further.

Before fixing that laser you should fix the focus on your camera... I don't think you're going to get a lot of input with those pictures. Don't apologize for the bad quality, take some focused ones & repost :D I would be happy to help you but it'd help to see how loose these components you've mentioned actually are
Pretty sure that "little black thing" is the internal switch....You would have to take the module out and re-solder it correctly. The laser would only work then if there was no other damage done to the laser. Sorry bud, but it's probably dead...:(
Pretty sure that "little black thing" is the internal switch....You would have to take the module out and re-solder it correctly. The laser would only work then if there was no other damage done to the laser. Sorry bud, but it's probably dead...:(

That is definitely the switch. Disassembly and re-solder is your only hope. That is just a hope, because we do not know if anything else was damaged or will be damaged pulling it apart.

Before fixing that laser you should fix the focus on your camera... I don't think you're going to get a lot of input with those pictures. Don't apologize for the bad quality, take some focused ones & repost :D I would be happy to help you but it'd help to see how loose these components you've mentioned actually are

Much clearer picture of the switch -
The sides look slightly bent from my previous attempts to fix it :P

I'll post more pictures once I (somehow) open the laser.
More pictures won't really help...your going to have to take the module out and repair it by soldering the switch back on. Pictures of the open laser module may help show if more damage was done though.
That looks like the New Wish type pointer. Most don't come apart easily. The end cap will come off, but hope you have a way to press the brass lens/diode holder out without trashing the driver board. You can't push the driver board. You'll need a tool that slides past it. Tapping it with a hammer to "slide it out" usually kills the diode.
IMO you can cut it down the side, ruining the host, solder the switch back in and use it in something else if that's all that's wrong or it's still dead.
Notice how that one in the link has the 1/4" square switch? His switch is 1/4" x 1/8".
The head cap probably is not connected to the brass module. It's abt 1/2" on back in the tube. If he had a 9mm x .5mm tap, he could make a puller by unscrewing the lens.
Some are epoxied in, some are just a press fit with a clearance of abt -.001.
That is the best way to remove the end cap though!
Nothing looks damaged tbh.. the spring looks a bit different but it should still work. Maybe the diode died how do I check?
Nothing looks damaged tbh.. the spring looks a bit different but it should still work. Maybe the diode died how do I check?

Without the switch being depressed or the pads being jumped no light will come out. You need to solder the switch back in place before you can really test it.

Why can't I get that lucky? This new run must be diff than the old.
I liked the old better................
WTB soldering machine, fuck it I'll just buy a new laser. The laser cost like £10 if I remember right.
WTB soldering machine, fuck it I'll just buy a new laser. The laser cost like £10 if I remember right.

Yeah. Repairing these is really just "hobby." We repair crap like this just to say we did :)

It is easier and faster to buy a new one ;)

