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NDB7675 1.9w 470nm Pen laser made by Alien Laser) LPM reading added

Jun 6, 2014
I got this laser today and wow !!!!!!!!!

The color on this thing is just memorizing. First thing i did was compare it to my pocket 500mw 445nm laser. the color difference is staggering. i was like dang is this thing more then even 473nm?? so i fired up my 120mw peak 473nm ple pro and compared the 2. the ple pro is still a lighter blue but its way closer to 473nm then 445nm for sure. i compared it to my 350mw dpss green laser and the beam of the pen is brighter. i cant give an accurate lpm reading as i cant turn this laser on for 40 seconds because it heats up so fast but i got it up to 1100mw and it was still rising 100mw every 2 seconds. but i want to be gentle with this little beast. here are some photos far you all to drool over :D

LPM Readings

3 element lens: 1470mw
G2 Lens: 1635mw

Its so shiny and prefect its hard to get a good photo of it lol

20151229_224809 by Alex Littig, on Flickr
20151229_224749 by Alex Littig, on Flickr
20151229_224709 by Alex Littig, on Flickr
20151229_224641 by Alex Littig, on Flickr

VS 350mw dpss green

20151229_231545 by Alex Littig, on Flickr

Fist pic below is my 445nm 500mw pocket laser and second is the 470nm pen. the difference actually shows up on the photos but in real life the difference is much more noticeable.

20151229_234239 by Alex Littig, on Flickr
20151229_234657 by
Alex Littig, on Flickr

i would show a photo of my 473nm laser but becasue its only 120mw my camera cant pick up on it well and in-turn looks like 450nm in my photos but in real like its slightly more green looking then this pen so i think 468-470nm is about right for this laser pen :D the only down side to this laser is the duty cycle. 4 or so turn ons only 5-7 secods with a 20 second pause in between and its already warm. but you dont buy this for the duty cycle you buy it cuz PEN LASER !!!!
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Re: NDB7675 1.9w 470nm Pen laser made by Alien Laser :D

Nice beam and in such a compact package, if someone wasn't expecting it their jaw would likely hit the floor.
Nice beam and in such a compact package, if someone wasn't expecting it their jaw would likely hit the floor.

I was expecting it and my Jaw is still on the floor !!! I actully like this color more then 473nm. Pure sky blue
Re: NDB7675 1.9w 470nm Pen laser made by Alien Laser :D

Nvm, And can you get a picture of the led indicator?


Btw, you can try doing 10secs on the duty cycle outside when the weathers cold.
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Re: NDB7675 1.9w 470nm Pen laser made by Alien Laser :D

Is this a binned diode, or an edge driven diode? I've never heard of NDB7675s going anywhere near 470nm... And I like the lower power better than the NUBM07E I think.
Re: NDB7675 1.9w 470nm Pen laser made by Alien Laser :D

Hi Alex,
Awesome build , yes my PLTB450B 2+w and 520nm290mW and 638nm1.1mW pen builds duty cycle are also very short. Hey when we build these pens we have to remember that it's only the module cooling the die and that's nothing. They get hot really fast even when running them at low mAh's. Well It seems like a lot of folks will be building these compacts .
+1rep for you my friend.....

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Re: NDB7675 1.9w 470nm Pen laser made by Alien Laser :D

Was this built by the member here named alien laser or is that a company? Great pen btw, congrats on a unique laser.
Re: NDB7675 1.9w 470nm Pen laser made by Alien Laser :D

Was this built by the member here named alien laser or is that a company? Great pen btw, congrats on a unique laser.

He bought it off alien laser as 140$. Laser host is from company "laser66"
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Re: NDB7675 1.9w 470nm Pen laser made by Alien Laser :D

Nice pick up Alex, yeah the pen is so shiny it looks like its in a plastic tube lol
Re: NDB7675 1.9w 470nm Pen laser made by Alien Laser :D

Is this a binned diode, or an edge driven diode? I've never heard of NDB7675s going anywhere near 470nm... And I like the lower power better than the NUBM07E I think.


the last post in the this diodes spectro thread someone got 472nm at 1.8am

maybe the first ones tested were not as high of wavelength as the newer ones.
seems like the more time went on the higher wavelengths were achieved at lover currents. or maybe i just got a good diode :)
Re: NDB7675 1.9w 470nm Pen laser made by Alien Laser :D

Dang I thought my 1W pen was awesome, this tops that and looks great. I really like the lasers that fit huge power in tiny spaces :beer:
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Re: NDB7675 1.9w 470nm Pen laser made by Alien Laser :D

I´d love to own one of those, that´s insane man! :eek:

Maybe you could use a wet cloth and place it beneath the business end to cool it long enough to have a full reading, it wont be a true reading but that´s what I would do :p
Re: NDB7675 1.9w 470nm Pen laser made by Alien Laser :D

I´d love to own one of those, that´s insane man! :eek:

Maybe you could use a wet cloth and place it beneath the business end to cool it long enough to have a full reading, it wont be a true reading but that´s what I would do :p

Yes but i have bad luck with lasers and you know water and lasers dont mix. With my luck ill find a way to short the laser.

I will be able to get a full reading soon because im getting a 1400mw 445nm pen. I had it but the switch broke. Crazyspace replaced it and its on its way back to me now.
That pen does not heat up as fast so i can get a full reading. 1400mw right when the meter hits 1400mw ill switch over to this pen. Should get to max reading in just 10 seconds or so.
Re: NDB7675 1.9w 470nm Pen laser made by Alien Laser :D

I´d love to own one of those, that´s insane man! :eek:

Maybe you could use a wet cloth and place it beneath the business end to cool it long enough to have a full reading, it wont be a true reading but that´s what I would do :p

Yes but i have bad luck with lasers and you know water and lasers dont mix. With my luck ill find a way to short the laser.

I will be able to get a full reading soon because im getting a 1400mw 445nm pen. I had it but the switch broke. Crazyspace replaced it and its on its way back to me now.
That pen does not heat up as fast so i can get a full reading. 1400mw right when the meter hits 1400mw ill switch over to this pen. Should get to max reading in just 10 seconds or so.
