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Nd:YVO4 KTP cristal 532nm >1w for a decent price?

Jul 7, 2011
Yhoo peeps ,

Looking out for a Nd:YVO4 KTP green 532nm cristal for pumping it with a 808nm diode.
Does some one have this lying around in dust and have a idea to sell it ?:drool:

Well let me know,:thinking:

I think olike sells them. It's been a while since I've been on that site though. Good luck
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I think olike sells them. It's been a while since I've been on that site though. Good luck

Can yuo a link to that person plz , because i cannot find it
Yeah found it .. :wtf: but the picture shows me that it is uncut.
I wonder how to use that.... :thinking:
Can somebody fill me in here ?:can:
Use the search bar at the top of the page. There have been a few threads about exactly this.
