I can attest to that Those Krytons look sweet SBA. I was really surprised how much I like it. It really is different from a flashlight host. A real lightsaber, especially at 3W :beer:
I can attest to that Those Krytons look sweet SBA. I was really surprised how much I like it. It really is different from a flashlight host. A real lightsaber, especially at 3W :beer:
LB, I almost feel like I should have you send yours back, since I've gotten better at polishing. I feel like you didn't get the full-whammy. I'm really glad you're so happy with your Kryton. It's such a nice host, I had to have more. I'm still lacking one in green for my single-mode Kryton collection.
I don't even notice it I'm just happy to be the first. The collection sounds like a cool idea. Maybe when you take care of your current builds we can work something out