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my laser-related predictions of the future

I’m looking forward to handheld lasers or masers that are equally powerful as a firearm for self defense. Might be decades away on that though. Maybe we’ll have rail guns sooner
Might be a race between gyrotron weapons in the hundreds of GHz and fiber lasers in the NIR.

I’d love to have a tunable free electron laser. You can adjust the wavelength between some minimum and maximum value
Might be a race between gyrotron weapons in the hundreds of GHz and fiber lasers in the NIR.
Fiber no doubt, at least for now, however gyrotrons may have a use in active denial......they are rather bulky it seems.

Funny that Tokamak will use Klystron tubes to power the RF containment and gyrotrons to heat the plasma, it's old tech but still the high output go to.

This is interesting.

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