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  • advice concerning safety.
    Eyes are worth more than 'affordable but not bank breakers' I am refraining from being a smart-ass --but safety here is # 1.--instead suggest buying form a great a member here at "survival Laser'
    Want a good LPM- we got you covered.
    some might say --well if you lose one eye --you have the other eye.....SO then be even more careful..
    size limit at this convo size - sending rest soon'
    aha they count spaces same as letters

    post #2 has important (TO YOU) info-you will thank me later-several choices there^^ but for sure get (free) 'Photonics Spectra'
    I put safety for my biz and used my Initials with Enterprises as name- also it can be had on-line
    in older lssues - aritcle on trends and new cos.- industry is predicted to increase by 85 billion$$ in5years. uget phonebook size 'catalog' names of co. (in photonics) cross referenced)- by state -what they do by name- links where to apply-etc good pay too - wish were yr age too late for me -new career- Id apply 4 one in Hawaii-new laser related are filed every day (average)-- look at the on-line issues
    size limits here are 420 letters'--go to email
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