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FrozenGate by Avery

My first 561nm pointer

May 4, 2009
Laser colors have come a long way since I dropped off back in 2013. I've spent the last 2 months reading through years of posts and purchased a half dozen modules from DTR to fill out my laser spectrum. In my reading I came across the curious little 561nm from Lasence.

I managed to acquire two small 13mm modules with drivers last week and the picked up a broken Wicked Lasers pointer from Ebay. The inside of the host had to be bored out to accept the 13mm module but thankfully the Wicked Lasers host has fairly thick side walls.



The color is very odd and quite bright, these modules came with an output plot with a peak at 16mW


The original Wicked Lasers switch and battery spring was attached to the Lasence driver with the module isolated from the host with packing tape. A plastic brace along the bottom on the driver helps transfer the compression force from the battery spring to the brass module.


To keep the module from being pushed out the front a little bit of UV resin is cured around the end of the module to adhere it in place


Having never owned a Wicked Laser I have to say it's a very pretty host


Its a shame that the color doesn't come out on camera. Next to 532nm and 593.5nm


Obligatory beam shot
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Laser colors have come a long way since I dropped off back in 2013. I've spent the last 2 months reading through years of posts and purchased a half dozen modules from DTR to fill out my laser spectrum. In my reading I came across the curious little 561nm from Lasence.

I managed to acquire two small 13mm modules with drivers last week and the picked up a broken Wicked Lasers pointer from Ebay. The inside of the host had to be bored out to accept the 13mm module but thankfully the Wicked Lasers host has fairly thick side walls.



The color is very odd and quite bright, these modules came with an output plot with a peak at 16mW


The original Wicked Lasers switch and battery spring was attached to the Lasence driver with the module isolated from the host with packing tape. A plastic brace along the bottom on the driver helps transfer the compression force from the battery spring to the brass module.


To keep the module from being pushed out the front a little bit of UV resin is cured around the end of the module to adhere it in place


Having never owned a Wicked Laser I have to say it's a very pretty host


Its a shame that the color doesn't come out on camera. Next to 532nm and 593.5nm


Obligatory beam shot

Yeah, a regular camera just doesn't do it justice. Same with my 574nm laser. it looks green too, though it is a very lemon yellow color to my eyes.
I would love to get my hands on a 574nm module, its a shame the supply seems to all dried up
Yeah, many people wanted one of those modules. I got in early and posted a thread about them. Got mine for about $70. Couldn't beat the price.
I saw a 561nm for sale on eBay, but it didn’t list the mw, not even a pic of an LPM test. Any idea what those usually operate at?
I also got one of the 561s, those are a bit of a different story. Can provide screenshots if needed but I don't have any on hand.

Mine measures 558nm, which is a little on the greener side than 561nm. Not an error in my measurements as a "real" 561 measures correctly, plus side by side this one is a tiny bit greener. That tells me the 561's are using the SFD process. It's also 808nm pumped, so I'd bet it's from lasence. Not sure how to report the power output. I get 20-25mW on a freshly charged 10440 + spacer, and the power does scale down as the batteries drain. No mode hopping either, not even when it starts to get warm. Though one thing to note, the SFD process can be like rolling dice on what your beam shape looks like. I've mostly had good luck with a nice beam, but just know that you may just happen to get one with a bad beam and there's nothing you can do about it.
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558nm, very odd. I've always assumed that a dpss process would very accurately produce light in a very narrow frequency band. I've got one of each of these pointers on the way and I'm curious to see how mine meter out. What sort of range do you think is possible from the "561" pointer?
Normally yes it would, but the SFD "self frequency doubling" crystals are a different beast that you shouldn't really lump in with conventional wisdom. Everything lasence does is SFD, which has a range of 530nm-575nm with a few outliers as I understand it (not including CNI rebrands)
Really nice! 561 nm is a really interesting color. I measured mine at 561 nm but I suspect its making a wide emission band based on the testing I've done. I need to test it with a more precise spectrometer some day.

I've got a 570 nm module with a dead pump diode. I was just doing some work on it, trying to get it lasing again with a new pump but only got a sparkle of faint green light so far. It's a real shame that I didn't buy two when I had the opportunity.
In case anyone is curious, I looked through the literature and determined that the pump wavelength for the 570 is most likely 976 nm. I found a couple 975 nm diodes and they seem to be right based on the hint of green I'm getting.
The emission itself is about on par with other DPSS but I may also need a higher resolution spectrometer to tell.

vs 532nm:

Really nice! 561 nm is a really interesting color. I measured mine at 561 nm but I suspect its making a wide emission band based on the testing I've done. I need to test it with a more precise spectrometer some day.

I've got a 570 nm module with a dead pump diode. I was just doing some work on it, trying to get it lasing again with a new pump but only got a sparkle of faint green light so far. It's a real shame that I didn't buy two when I had the opportunity.
In case anyone is curious, I looked through the literature and determined that the pump wavelength for the 570 is most likely 976 nm. I found a couple 975 nm diodes and they seem to be right based on the hint of green I'm getting.
I've had 57xnm modules from both lasence and opt. The very first set of opt ones are 940nm pumped, but I think only that first batch. Every other one I have is 900nm pumped.
I just noticed some of the 561 pointers are now being relisted as 558-561nm lasers
The emission itself is about on par with other DPSS but I may also need a higher resolution spectrometer to tell.

View attachment 76127
vs 532nm:
View attachment 76128

I've had 57xnm modules from both lasence and opt. The very first set of opt ones are 940nm pumped, but I think only that first batch. Every other one I have is 900nm pumped.
View attachment 76129

I haven't tried to get any of the Lasence modules, but did get a good 574nm one from Opt. It's interesting that theirs are 900nm pumped instead of the 940nm pumped that Opt was using at least initially.
Oh I sort of hijacked this, sorry.

I like the WL host a lot, I have one as well but I can't get it to be both serviceable and set up such that the entire module doesn't freely twist in the host and get the button out of alignment. Did you run onto that and have a solution?
Haha i have no problem with where the thread has gone, i think it has some good info in it.

Ive not had an issue with the module rotating, the module had to be isolated from the host with some packing tape which was convenient for layering up to get the fit snug. After that I used a bit of UV glue around the top of the module to make sure it stayed in place.
I have a 30mW to 40mW 561nm pen-style laser on the way.
Uses either 2x AAA cells or one 10440 Li:Ion cell plus a dummy battery.

Unfortunately, I no longer own or have access to a spectrometer or even a spectroscope, so the best I'll be able to do is "eyeball" the wavelength.

ETA is ~08-03-23.

I've never seen this wavelength, so I'm kinda stoked!!! :D
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