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FrozenGate by Avery

My 100mW focusable from DX got defocus...

Before you go sticking random objects into your laser and possibly damaging it even more. Lets try and pinpoint the problem and fix it.

Could you possibly provide a photo of what the dot looks like? I may not be able to help you fix your laser but if it turns out to be a loose lens or something on that line at least you did not jam it any further down.

It could even be a mode hopping issue due to the fact you "may" have overheated your laser. I don't know without a photo though. I need to see the dot on the wall from a 5' distance or something similar.

Pictures will say more than thousand words. So if you can make some picture that would be best to further help you. Make also some pics of the bean comming out of your laser if thats possible for you.

As without a pic we just can guess what´s causing the problem.
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I'll make a few photos.
one of them is when the focus wheel is where it was before it defocused, and when it's focused right now.
just so you know, for me focused is not really the smallest dot. for me, somthing like a bigger from the smallest dot will burn perfactly.
