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*MUST READ* amazing cheap laser goggles


Jun 24, 2015
hello everyone :D

ever since I started building high power lasers, Isaw it on every thread:

"You can't put a price on your eyesight!"
"50 bucks laser goggles or permanent blindness?"
"do not atempt this build if you have no eagle pair safety goggles"
"protect your seeing balls at all time with these lasers!!"
and so on...

Now, for someone with a job, $40 for laser goggles is not that much, and it's really worth it (it's either $40 or blindness)

But if you are someone like me, still in college, and only have a limited amount of money to spend on lasers, $40 can be a lot of money :(

however, I was browsing fasttech for some new RDA's (vape stuff) when this guy popped up...


OD4+ for less than $10? yea right... however, it will protect me somehow right? maybe not OD4+, but I thought it would filter out something :)

ho-ly shit
after 12 days they came in the mail (which is not bad for Chinese shipping to Belgium AND free ;) ) and I was amazed by these goggles. they are rated for 200nm-600nm (so blue, voilet, green and yellow lasers)

6 pictures just to show what this thing can do (tested with a 1200mw 450nm laser)
fasttech laser goggles - Album on Imgur

They let almost nothing through :) I even compared them to my friends eagle pair glasses... those let a bit more through :wtf:
it's not that much, but it is noticeable.

So for all you budget laser builders out there, <$10 for your eyesight sounds like a sweet deal doesn't it? :D

that's all for now, thanks for watching!!
constructive feedback allways welcome :)

I bought a the same pair when I ordered some modules from them that were to be for friends that might look at my lasers as a back up to my HDE glasses. I was amazed also. Thanks for showing them tested on something way more powerful than the green 150mw that I tested first on them Im planning a 1W 445 blue purchase. I use them for myself now. They also have a somewhat rap around to protect on the sides. I went back to the sight after recieving them and then I noticed the OD 4 rating. I was a little nervous as to thier capabilty and safety but thanks for giving me a bit more insight :) Let me also mention that I realize that there is alot more to testing safety glasses than pointing a beam at them and seeing the dot on the other side. As I said at the moment I dont have anything more powerfull than a 150mw 532 green. but planning more. What would be the ultimate test on safety glasses?
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hello everyone :D

ever since I started building high power lasers, Isaw it on every thread:

"You can't put a price on your eyesight!"
"50 bucks laser goggles or permanent blindness?"
"do not atempt this build if you have no eagle pair safety goggles"
"protect your seeing balls at all time with these lasers!!"
and so on...

Now, for someone with a job, $40 for laser goggles is not that much, and it's really worth it (it's either $40 or blindness)

But if you are someone like me, still in college, and only have a limited amount of money to spend on lasers, $40 can be a lot of money :(

however, I was browsing fasttech for some new RDA's (vape stuff) when this guy popped up...


OD4+ for less than $10? yea right... however, it will protect me somehow right? maybe not OD4+, but I thought it would filter out something :)

ho-ly shit
after 12 days they came in the mail (which is not bad for Chinese shipping to Belgium AND free ;) ) and I was amazed by these goggles. they are rated for 200nm-600nm (so blue, voilet, green and yellow lasers)

6 pictures just to show what this thing can do (tested with a 1200mw 450nm laser)
fasttech laser goggles - Album on Imgur

They let almost nothing through :) I even compared them to my friends eagle pair glasses... those let a bit more through :wtf:
it's not that much, but it is noticeable.

So for all you budget laser builders out there, <$10 for your eyesight sounds like a sweet deal doesn't it? :D

that's all for now, thanks for watching!!
constructive feedback allways welcome :)

I just want to say thank you at first i was skeptical as hell but i did my reaserch and everything seems good and i got the glasses i thought this was a scam of some sort but it seems really trust worthy considering you use paypal not ur creditcard and many other things i haven't recived the glasses yet but im sure they are what i have read THANK YOU i have been browsing for ages looking for a low priced glasses THANK YOU SO MUCH i have been scammed countless times this one seems most reliable once again THANK YOU hopefully when they get here they are what people say and they weren't lying once again thanx
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I just want to say thank you at first i was skeptical as hell but i did my reaserch and everything seems good and i got the glasses i thought this was a scam of some sort but it seems really trust worthy considering you use paypal not ur creditcard and many other things i haven't recived the glasses yet but im sure they are what i have read THANK YOU i have been browsing for ages looking for a low priced glasses THANK YOU SO MUCH i have been scammed countless times this one seems most reliable once again THANK YOU hopefully when they get here they are what people say and they weren't lying once again thanx
no problem man :) I'm glad I could help
Let me rephrase a little on my previous reply as this thread could explode into something bigger. For cheap glasses these fastech ones do fall in the better than nothing catagory. Like I had mentioned I bought them as back ups for any one that might be with me when using my lasers. Yes I do use them most of the time inside, but for the most part I use my lasers outside. The description on them even though rated at OD 4 only covers wavelenghts from 200nm to 540nm. There is no mention of IR 808nm and above. If I were to do any really serious experments they would not be my first choice. unless some further testing tells me something else. I feel like I jumped the the gun on my first reply.:yabbem:
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And 5% coupon: BLF :crackup: :crackup:

I dislike your avatar picture. I feel it's bad form. I'd like the forum to have no association with laser's and planes, other than advising how stupid it is, and how much we are against it.
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Its a warning. It shows that if you point lasers at plane it can explode!

I dislike your avatar picture. I feel it's bad form. I'd like the forum to have no association with laser's and planes, other than advising how stupid it is, and how much we are against it.[/QUOTE
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Koff: It's not a "warning" unless it's explicit or obvious about the result being a bad thing. That image is ambiguous and could be taken to mean that lasers are cool anti-air weaponry. I don't think it's a very appropriate avatar image as well.

Nikos: Before these goggles are proclaimed to have sufficient laser protection they should be tested with a meter, not just "eyeballed."

I've used red-filter goggles, and while they do a great job with green lasers, I found they didn't provide enough protection for blue. I also didn't like the red filter color, as it made things very hard to see (the orange goggles are a lot easier on the eyes).
Koff: It's not a "warning" unless it's explicit or obvious about the result being a bad thing. That image is ambiguous and could be taken to mean that lasers are cool anti-air weaponry. I don't think it's a very appropriate avatar image as well.

Nikos: Before these goggles are proclaimed to have sufficient laser protection they should be tested with a meter, not just "eyeballed."

I've used red-filter goggles, and while they do a great job with green lasers, I found they didn't provide enough protection for blue. I also didn't like the red filter color, as it made things very hard to see (the orange goggles are a lot easier on the eyes).

ok I changed it. is this better?
We all know that we shouldn't guarantee cheap glasses but it would be interesting if people tested these glasses. They could even replace the HDE glasses which I have heard about so often.
