i sorta know what you guys are gonna say about this but i brought my laser to school right (yes, yes that's the part when you say i'm stupid and yes i admit that was stupid) but here it is, i just show off that i have this laser pointer that no one will probs never see again in their life (reason is that i live in australia) and all i really did was shine it on my bag and melt a little bit of the BLACK PLASTIC you know not the whit stuff that will insta blind everyone, but there is always that one idiot that ruins it, thats all like shine it at the plane, then the whole group was like "yeah shine it at the plane" but as a normal human being i didnt shine it at the plane and told them to piss off and stop being stupid and explained that people just like them is the reason that other normal people cant have nice things. sorry for my bad English im not that type of guy that spell cheaks things on the internet sorry guys :scared: