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May 15, 2010
I ordered a heatsink off lifetime17 a few weeks ago for a structure tr-801 and ordered the host to be sent to his house

After a week waiting for it to arrive I was disappointed to see the host was not shipped, I contacted Rich right away and said this was due to crossed wires

He said he would send it out with a few extras, to my disbelief, he sent out a brass heatsink and focus adapter and some silicon wires and h/shrink, i really appreciated that and went above and beyond, was also sent priority, if anyone wants a custom heatsink or focus adapter, he's your man


I'm not surprised as that's Rich's style and thanks for telling everyone:)
The heatsink looks like it's copper and the focus knob is brass..
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Yep, Rich is great from what I have heard from many members here. I'm not surprised at either. :)
Maybe he'll take a look at that small machining job I asked you about last month Curtis :) I'll PM him later

Current lead is a bloke who does one-off precision manual machining for the aerospace companies near Bristol, but he's old-school, so my only way of contacting him is writing a letter and asking a colleague who knows him to hand deliver it... so I'm thinking the forum may be more use anyway!
I do recommend Rich, he might be US based but you shouldn't have to wait too long on shipping. :)
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Hi K,
Glad I could help , yes sometime there's not enough hours in a day . Sorry about the misunderstanding . Thank you for the encouraging words to thats a great feeling for anyone ..
And a thanks for the rest of the guys here at LPF with their input real great

RICH is a terrible person.. so cruel.
Today a laser I DID not order showed up in my mailbox ??? what

> nice Cree host.. side click on/off at least semi waterproof-- I see o rings..
and rubber boot on the switch....
SO why am I ticked off??
I am JUST dying to fire this mod up and hit the Hyperion....

(& this myb should be your 'rule' too.)
I NEVER EVER guess polarity--he will reply soon.. but its so temping to slip in an exhausted 18650 and give it a QUICK on-off .

but you gotta be dumber than a box of rocks to take that 50/50 risk


and same ,to a lesser degree , its important to use the right batteries (no exceptions--put that 9v AWAY NOW)
I have always been able to find a spot for an X or a-- (neg)
write in inside the batt tube w/ the smallest Sharpie on the tailcap under the spring.
I asked Gray at JL about this and they quickly started adding this on the outside of the batt tubes

AS a 'general' rule all 532s are case POSITIVE...coz they are DPSS..

its late at Rich's (NJ) house.
unlikely he is still up..

His kits are the bomb.. you cannot go wrong ... he will have your backs...

Hi Len ,
Yes battery position is NEG- to the diode and POS+ to the tail cap like all DPSS 532's. Glad you like it enjoy I think isn't you an email orange PM about this . Anyway hope you like it , you always send some goodies when I get something from you. So I returned the favor in good standings.

When I first joined I got some supplies & 'Scopeguy' was da man.

He sent me 'crackerjack' extra goodies.. mostly a mounted plastic grating in a cardboard 35 mm slide .. Same ones used in 'trip' glasses given at some concert & other laser shows ATM I thought this was SOP here or if not it sure was SOP for him.
& I try to follow suit..
It need not be a 'spendy' item --its somewhat the 'thought' behind the goodie.
Search for 'lot' auctions.. getting nicer stuff cheaper make goddie surprizes more affordable.
PM me if you want to know how easy it can be to win an auction ..effortlessly.

so who wants a KingKube X-Kube?? I won 3 auctions and got 3 Kubes for 8 cents & shipped free ( btw they can do this always when the item is small and lightweight,, China/USA has set it up that the seller gets very low or no-cost shipping to USA... btw a certain President wants to do away with this...NOT A GOOD OR WISE MOVE
Try putting brain into 'drive' before trying to drive off..
Cool, Rich. Not many people working with the 532nm modules these days. Do you know the power of this one? Is it a Fasttech module? I still have several modules running anywhere from 80 mW up to 200 mW. One of these days I plan on putting a 200 mW in a host I have that would work perfectly with one of these. It's just that I built so many of these years ago and other wavelengths are more enticing.
Hi Paul.
Never adjusted the pot to determine the out put on the LPM. Just did a simple light build with no determined out come.
But for the WL lime green .
I think it's an old WL buy still venerable to the hobby.
Oh, don't get me wrong. It is still a good solid state laser and I still have many modules. More than half a dozen, anyway. I do like the 200 mW ones the best as they are quite visible even in a well lit room. I bought a half dozen IR filter before I realized the IR component was negligible and not well collimated.
I have always wanted to make the 'ultimate' pair of laser gloves.
so - I got 6 of these-(to start)
_____________________the 13mm heatsinks-- VERY well machined BUT still too 'spendy'~$8usd and on the small side..~30mm X30X30ish .. a small 'cube' heat sink..

these are from Leadingtech-- ^^^

Goldy sold some.(and sold out ATM). and will have more soon as well as the Q-Baihe 13mm heat sinks.. they come in black or blue but we do not get to choose.. they send whatever color they have on hand--"please understand''<they say.

- the line generator 'lens' is easy to remove leaving a pretty decent dot.
Each glove will likely have two 100mW/532nm line modules with a 3rd in the middle with the line lens removed-- switches are on the 'palm' -- downside to these is the size.. Q-Baihe must have wanted to sell the onlyest heat sinks that work and made the modules 13mm .
I have a few 13 mm heat sinks ordered and getting more made for me.

thank you for reading and myb leaving me a comment.. hak

KingKube (Alan)had some also but is also sold out (blab1391 at fleabay)
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