Nice Build! I like the big heatsink block you've mounted the diode in. Definitely a true 'DIY' with parts you happened to have laying about.
You're not the only one that still prefers red. It's my favorite laser color, followed by green.
BluRay and 440nm are fun but rather eye raping, IMO.
I'd really like to see some yellow and orange LDs.. maybe someday.
Not to thread-jack, but here are some images I just took of one of the first DIY lasers I built. It's still going strong after at least two years, with > 150 hours of use I reckon.
It's not a clean build, but functional. I'm using a Sony '16x' DVD diode (ordered from StoneTek in 2007). I'm only driving it with 125mA of current, which is probably why it's still kicking. I'm guessing it's 80-100 mW. I'm using the 'DDL' circuit as the driver (LM317T based, note I bypassed the potentiometer for a fixed resistor circuit). Got the driver parts from radioshack. I'm using a Meredith acrylic lens and mounting block. Get a real tight focus with this setup, so it burns better than you might imagine. I thermal glued the diode into place with silver epoxy. No duty cycle, I can leave this thing on for hours (and I have) no problem. Sometimes I use it as a nightlight.
Last image, doing a ceiling bounce in the bathroom.
I keep this laser under the bed and it's what I reach for when I need a coherent photon fix. I feel safe using it without goggles, and it's plenty bright, especially at night. I used to like my 635nm, but I've been using this one more and more as it's brighter.
It's like.. you get a really powerful laser, but then in order to use it safely you've got to wear goggles so it looks no brighter than a 5mW keychain laser. That's why I like this DIY.