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FrozenGate by Avery

microboost acting weird

Just a though. The solder connections look pretty bad. If the ones to the diode come loose you could easily loose a diode. You can put some flux on the wire that will draw the solder into the hole. You can clip the wires a little shorter when you push them in with nail clippers. Also Flaminpryo has some great extremely flexible wire that works great and he also has flux available. His thread is here Laser Parts LINK
Just would not want you to lose a $50 Diode.


Here are some good ones.
yeah, i already burned out my first 445nm diode... :( but i just resoldered the joint and used more flexible wire, so i think it will be a lot better now. also, i use plastic rosin core solder... it says that it has flux inside it but it sure doesnt seem like the solder wants to flow into the holes. would it benefit me to use flux even though my solder supposedly already has it inside?
yeah, i already burned out my first 445nm diode... :( but i just resoldered the joint and used more flexible wire, so i think it will be a lot better now. also, i use plastic rosin core solder... it says that it has flux inside it but it sure doesnt seem like the solder wants to flow into the holes. would it benefit me to use flux even though my solder supposedly already has it inside?

Absolutely. When you get flux down into the hole and touch it with some hot solder it just like magic sucks it right in the cavity and makes a very secure connection. Even thou the flux is in the solder it burns away when your iron touches it.
Also follow Daguin's advice.

I was having problems like yours, even though i was using a very high quality variable current 5A PSU, for whatever reason, it wasnt "imitating" for want of a better word, the battery, connected a fully charged Trustfire 18650 with a no load terminal voltage of 4.2v (same as the PSU) and everything sprang to life....try it....nothing to loose?
Did You have a chance to get the resistor Yet? You can redo Your dummy load while You wait for the 18650.
i ordered the free 1 ohm resistors from laserbee last night. they should be here around the same time as the 18650
