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FrozenGate by Avery

Man points laser at police cruiser.

From my perspective he is a kid. Everytime I hear a news story such as this, the incident is always perpetrated by a young male. And they always seem to be caucasian. Very odd.

Kids do stupid things, it's in their nature. I'm sure we've all made some dumb choices when we were kids, though for some people it doesn't seem to stop after childhood. :whistle:

The reason we see this kind of thing happen so often is probably because people are simply unaware that what they're doing is actually a crime. I'll bet we wouldn't see nearly as many of these incidents if there were more than the one guy who runs laserpointersaftey.com trying to actively educate the public on laser safety.

Although it is interesting that the majority seem to be caucasian. Now that you point it out, laser crimes do seem to be committed by a disproportionally large number of white people. Maybe we just fall for the "hey check out this MILITARY GRADE SUPER AWESOME BRAND NEW TECHNOLOGY" scam more easily?

Well yeah, it's kids being stupid often enough.

Most resort to things like thorwing bricks and glass bottles at policemen in riots or something similar to that. Noone suggest banning the use of either over that.

Downside is that it keeps people getting munitions to ban lasers since they are 'very dangerous'. The problem is that they are not more dangerous than a huge array of common items and tools.

It's also questionable what a ban would actually do... can't have a laser pointer to annoy the cops? Ok then, i'll throw this pickaxe at them instead. Surely that'll not damage your eyes, but then again, what good are eyes if you have your visual cortices splattered on the pavement?
Idiocy itself should be a crime. Put all the morons in prison and the rest of us could live without the bazillion rules and regulations that are simply needed to protect society from all the idiots. :D
Unfortunately, this kind of stupidity transcends the age line. It has been said that with age comes wisdom, but I don't believe it's a given. I guess people really don't change after all.
Where was that guy when God was giving away intelligence and common sense? :thinking:
If I had been stupid enough to do this, I would at least believe that they were coming for me and get off the highway, discard the laser, and try to stop somewhere soon. If you assault a cop they aren't just going to let it go. Dumb as dirt!
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Where was that guy when God was giving away intelligence and common sense? :thinking:

He thought GOD said trains, and he caught a buss. :D

Or could it be Common Core? :D
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He thought GOD said trains, and he caught a buss. :D

Or could it be Common Core? :D

Yes, that is very similar meaning IMO, but with one point to add - I seriously doubt this guy is able to think, so I believe my version is more accurate. Sorry. :D

Or another one:
"When God gave out brains, he thought he said trains, so he missed his."
But still it is contradictory as it uses verb "to think", what that individual failed apparently. :D :D :D

Edit: These people should not have driving license IMO. They are dangerous enough only with their stupidity combined with agressive behaviour.
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Yes, that is very similar meaning IMO, but with one point to add - I seriously doubt this guy is able to think, so I believe my version is more accurate. Sorry. :D

Or another one:
"When God gave out brains, he thought he said trains, so he missed his."
But still it is contradictory as it uses verb "to think", what that individual failed apparently. :D :D :D

Edit: These people should not have driving license IMO. They are dangerous enough only with their stupidity combined with agressive behaviour.

Haaa, thinking does seems to be what he's missing :)

Common sense isn't so common anymore. Sad to say :(
He's going to learn the hard way.
Mug shots can say alot about someone but I can't figure this guy out?:thinking:
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To me, he looks either high or just doesn't give a damn, or both!
He's got that cocky look about him, at least until the judge gives him 5yrs to think about it.
Our news media are drama whores, I wonder did this jerk intentionally target the cop car again and again as they came to get him, or was the fool pointing at highway signs when a cop came over the hill?

Was this intentional or recklessness?

I worry about the criminals who rob a ________ and use a multi watt laser array to blind pursuing cops.

Hell I rarely if ever take a laser out of my house, I have given up on astronomy pointing and do most of my wood burning art in the daylight.

I understand making it known that any targeting won't be tolerated helps to discourage the knuckle draggers, and I recommend that we all keep a low profile outdoors so as not to add to the drama.

I suppose it's good to let the masses know that any vehicle or human targeting is a really big deal, because with all the 5 dollar ebay greenies being sold everyday I suppose the common sense no-no's should be in everyone's mind.


Ok I read the article, the guy was passing a cop going the other way, then the cop tracked down the vehicle based on a description.

Yea, the goofball was probably pointing at highway signs when a cop popped over the hill on the other side of a possibly late night seemingly empty highway. OOPS

Someone might be tempted to point at highway signs, but don't take foolish chances, also what if you happen to be going to a 24 hour Wal-Mart with your favorite pointer in your pocket at the same time in a white sedan when some pissed off cop is looking for a white sedan based on nothing more than a vehicle description.

I really hate it, but it's best to leave the pointers at home and stay out of the sky, remember cameras are everywhere and you don't want to get blamed for harmlessly pointing at a water tower right after some fool has pointed at a cop car.

When I get my 100 acres I will invite everyone out to lase on my 1000 yard rifle range, until then we have to protect ourselves from misconception, I have a fire pit in my yard and I point into my own yard, I enjoy it but I don't want to be the guy everyone sees with searchlight lasers waving around the air every night, so I will be content to point into my own grass/yard/fire pit.

If you live in a downtown apt. then maybe black out the windows in a spare bedroom and set up your own fog machine and have a laser show, or use an exhaust fan and air filter and enjoy desktop burning or build a usb cnc cutter, do holography, but I would stay out of the skies with your beams unless you are 10 miles from an airport and away from nosey neighbors who have been told " see something say something "

Daylight pointing in the city is likely not going to draw attention and a person could enjoy seeing his dot on a distant smokestack without bothering anyone.

Lase at your own risk and obey your local laws, there are ways to have fun safely without alarming others, just remember to always think before we do, what seems harmless could get twisted in this much less than free world, plus shining a laser in a cops face on the highway is a screw up, so don't let it happen, a seemingly simple mistake with even a 5mw pointer can get blown all out of proportion these days, and someone could have a wreck and get hurt, so encourage your newbie friends to be extra careful. :beer:
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To me, he looks either high or just doesn't give a damn, or both!
He's got that cocky look about him, at least until the judge gives him 5yrs to think about it.
The bags under his eyes make him look drunk, high or exhausted?
He's also not making eye contact with the camera, shame or not even caring?:undecided:
@RedCowboy: I would not see it that black. If you take your laser out of city where chances of meeting someone are very low and use it responsibly there is no need to worry. I did not have single issue when lasing outside.

Even when on my garden. I just make sure I do not bother anyone and usually the beam does not cross the border of my garden. During laserpainting in forest no problem even when airport is not far and approach is about above my favourite spots. It is not very busy airport to be honest and special care is needed of course. When there is aircraft on sky I just do not lase. When I see aircraft approaching on FlightRadar app I just wait untill it passes. I tend to stop beams by some natural objects before reaching sky. If I cannot manage it I pay special attention to make sure no aircraft is there.

Also I observe wildlife and potential people there. I do not lase in direcrion of roads, houses or anywhere where I could even bother someone. If you keep it safe and do everything to be unnoticed, there is a very low risk something happens. And if you accidentaly hit aircraft (should not happen in reality if you are extremely careful), it will be likely no issue if it is not repeated intentional hits, aircraft at low altitude, landing or taking off, more less in line with the beam and some other cases. Mostly these cases might be solved easily and when not, just do not lase and take more observation and steps to make it safe.

Of course if you carry laser in your pocket regulary and there is a coincidednce some idiot missuse his laser and officer suspects you by mistake, it might be problem. But did you experienced something like that already?
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