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Lumia parts?

Dec 10, 2013
Posted this on Photonlexicon as well, I have the same ID on there as here. I don't post much, but more on this site than on PL.

There has been much talk lately of the 565/575 yellow modules from two differnet suppliers.

I have two of the 565nm modules in hand, and two of the 575's on the way from Optlaser. I am not as much into the pointer/handheld thing as I like Lumia and sound reactive scanners much more. I do have a 500mW rgb, ttl scanner and a Laser Dock dongle as well. I got the 565/575 modules mostly for the Lumia and other scan devices. The red/green combo for yellow is ok on a lissajous scanner is ok, but gets broken up to red and green on a Lumia. So, the new yellow are great for that.

My post here is about Lumia glass disks. I have access to multiple glass door/window shops as well as stained glass/ glass art shops in the area that I am in. I have collected many different types of patterned glass that make some awsome displays, and they are readily available to me. I have the diamond hole saw cutters and drill bits to make disks from 30mm to 120mm with center holes of 2mm to 6mm.

I have also sourced slow RPM DC geared motors and PWM controllers I am currently experimening with. For example, 12v 3RPM motor with PWM control, I can slow down to less than .5 rpm but will still do the max of 3 RPM. I know, for the most part the slower the better with Lumia, but to each their own.

I am just trying to gauge the demand for this type of equipment. I am not out to make a butt load of money, just to share knowledge and possibly provide parts and equipment for others that are into this part of the hobby.I might be able to provide a basic kit; motor, PWM controller, power supply and a couple or 3 disks to try out, assembly, your'e on you own. I can provide basic diagrams and photos of my setups as a base.

If you are the DIY everything type, I can provide links to the motor, PWM controller, hole cutters and drill bits that I have used. As I said, it's not about the money, knowledge is key and self gratification is awsome, to me at least :D

What do you guys think?


Sep 20, 2013
I'll be interested in what you can provide. I have not tried any lumia experiments yet. I'm usually too busy with other laser projects, but I am willing to learn more on the subject.
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May 14, 2011
You might sell 1 or 2 or them
You will have to do it only in the Buy, Sell, and Trade sub-forum when you qualify to post there.

Offering anything for sale in the other sub-forums is prohibited/a violation of LPF rules.

If it is not about money then why not just post links to sources of parts within a post about Lumia?

Have a look at the LPF threads on Lumia--use the LPF Custom Search at the bottom of the page to search "lumia" in the LPF database

PS if it involves money for items it is a matter of sales and money.
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LPF Site Supporter
Oct 14, 2012
As you say, most of the talk, and information here at LPF is handheld laser based. I think more info., knowledge, and equipment about lumia would be a good thing.

It's hard to gauge demand, but I think it would be a worthwhile undertaking. :yh:

Besides, coming from a guy named Jeff, it's got to ok!

Feb 25, 2010
I understand exactly where your are coming from Grn. Lumia is truly a beautiful thing !!!

I am deeply into it !!! Myself and Clickamouse are using special drives which deliver speeds down to the 4~6 RPH level. Ultra, Ultra slow.....with multiple disc usage....to deliver fractal like deployment !! Ohhhh...Far Out !! hahahaha !!

I am all for your supply of basic kit....speeds of 0.5 RPM produce some spectacular presentations !!!

Lumia is a wide open platform. I still maintain there remain many, many undiscovered or unreported Lumia methods !!!

Good luck !!! I think the target market is limited....But....much more than 1 or 2 !!! I suggest you post some video links....to light the fire of interest.

I should also....listen to my own advise....and post some video. I will....next couple of months !!!

SOOooooo many projects, SOoooo little time !!!

Thanx for posting !!

CDBEAM :tinfoil::tinfoil:
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Sep 20, 2008
Sound interesting... I may try building
a Lumina projector. Would like to see
the parts you are offering..

Do you supply the Lumina Glass as cut
disks ??

Dec 10, 2013
You might sell 1 or 2 or them
You will have to do it only in the Buy, Sell, and Trade sub-forum when you qualify to post there.

Offering anything for sale in the other sub-forums is prohibited/a violation of LPF rules.

If it is not about money then why not just post links to sources of parts within a post about Lumia?

Have a look at the LPF threads on Lumia--use the LPF Custom Search at the bottom of the page to search "lumia" in the LPF database

PS if it involves money for items it is a matter of sales and money.

Sorry Encap,
Not really trying to sell anything in this thread, I DO know the rules about that! And yes, I have read basically every thread on here and PL about Lumia over the years.

But, you have to ask somewhere if anyone is interested in something, before offering anything for sale, correct?

At least I put it in the laser show forum and not clutter up some other forum.
I will gladly post a link to every item one would need to duplicate what I have done, I stated that above.

I know that not all are DIY and build everything from scratch on their own. I myself am the type that will try to build and/or duplicate something I can buy ready to go, it's just the way I am. Others would prefer plug and play or very little work to have something cool, just the way people are. As I said, it's not all about money, it's about knowledge and sharing with others here! But, if a couple of $ can go back into my "hobby" funds, so be it! If and/or when something like that happens, it will be in the appropriate place or completely off the forum entirely.

Yes about the discs. I have the diamond hole cutter bits up to 80mm at the moment. Can get up to 120mm. Cut using a water bath, perfect circles and center bored mounting hole. I cut 6 different ones yesterday for testing. Center holes diamond drilled after cutting, 2mm-6mm, depending on the mount type.
BTW, did you get my return mail about the LPM?

And yes, I plan to make some videos of the different patterns the different types produce. The new 490nm and 565nm look very cool! SO different than the standard RGB colors! It's nice to see actual yellow and cyan in the mix finally! I hope the 575nm's I have on the way look even better. Like you say, too many projects, too little time!
Feb 25, 2008
Did you put a yellow in a lumia project yet?

With other colors being available in low cost & compact forms now, I'm wanting to start another lumia project. I currently have a small, battery powered lumia box with 4 colors; 450, 450, 532 and 638 or 660. I want to build something with 405, 445ish, 490, 515ish, 532, yellow. and red. I'd like to add orange too. That would be cheap or small though. It would be great if I could find or make some type of controller for that many colors to choose what I want on or have it cycle the colors by fading them in and out. Another thing I'd want to be able to do is easily swap out different types of glass either remotely or manually.
Jul 16, 2017
Glad Dr Evil posted so I caught this. I have much interest. I have a setup, but it could be improved. Would love to see diagrams, and also interested down the line with what you might be able to create media-wise. Thanks!!
Apr 2, 2009
Sound interesting... I may try building
a Lumina projector. Would like to see
the parts you are offering..

Do you supply the Lumina Glass as cut
disks ??

extra sweet since Cyp busted me long ago.
Lumina--is a car model.
Lumia is an 100year old 'art' form -- long before laser lumia..

JKiddin' Jer.

after I got 'caught' I ran searches for LUMINIA LUMNIA & and others and many others made a typo.. I did an edit of my dozen or so errors, but did not bother any other members at either forums.. (one is a PHD another is a doctor)

'Click-a-mouse' made a thread with many of his 'secrets' but some of his links no longer work.

I guess our Lumia Social group is no more.
If so (& if not already an existing 'sub forum') I suggest one be made for LUMIA..

I was looking into a GB on a fully controllable reversible rig with burst grating and the boards to control the motor as well as RG&B via DMX-- its about one half of a nice but simple projector-- prob is-- its (where he lives) the most busy time for lasershows.. I think if we can get his attention with a positive reaction from a feeler -- having at LEAST 20 serious wanter/ buyers.
I think for all it can do his asking price was reasonable at $150 plus.. consider this to be a 'feeler' feeler.. there was a dozen interested a few years back..I have no specs..He is not really a motivated seller-- its his 'sideline' they will not spoil or get any cheaper.. or if there is even something like this out there.. what I do know.... I WANT SOME!
watch for my thread in GB section..

and be prepared for a wait ...
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