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LPF community dual 44 project, Share your ideas.

Hi RC,

Let me put my 2 cents into your thread:

1st - there is no need to use many mirrors, from my old build combining 2 NUBM07 I learned that only 2 Lasertack mounts were enough to properly steer the 2nd beam direction to combine it with the 1st beam.

2nd - buying cheap copper LD mounts is not a good idea. Even expensive one I have from old LSP stock is hard to screw G-2 in.
And from these ebay 8 dollars mounts I bought 8 and can srew G-2 only in 4 and insert 9mm LD in only 2 of these mounts. So QC by them was 25-50% pass.
Check my pictures at the end of Bob's last thread about HL63283HD (post 37).

I suppose you could copyright all of this. That should end anyone trying to use your efforts to make money. At least you could sue them if they tried. I don't mind putting my efforts out for members to use, but it stinks when a troll comes in to steal your ideas to make money off of them.
Eight set screws are a lot. Do you believe we need so many? I was hoping for something like two. Let me know what you come up with to make this work.
Ah, okay. I really don't see the need for eight, but I haven't gotten into trying to build one of these. I believe it will be a huge PITA to align, but that remains to be seen.
I know I played along with the concept, however........LOOk I am just going to say this, so please don't take offense if I don't measure every word........

I can't believe you guys actually want to wallow out the threads and jam in set screws, just think about how the rotation has to be just right and you also want your focus set, now add to that this jury rig arrangement and try to see that it's no way to run a railroad.

What you want is an optics sled that's flat end to end except about 10mm of round at each end so you can lock it down for heat transfer, you want an adjustable module ( X-Y ) and you want to mount the beam expander at the end of the sled, that way the very 1st thing you do is set your module and see it line up with the beam expander, height too, then you set your c-lens pair along the straight and level beam, attempting to jury rig the lens threads without even being able to see how it lines up with the beam expander means taking it in and out while adjusting and once you drill through the sled and module for set screws you won't be able to adjust rotation, just try it and see, maybe you will have good luck, but I see problems.

Ok I see this is the 2 x44 thread, still we should use adjustable mounts and align to the BE 1st then set the optics, otherwise you will have things to fix all along the way.



I am thinking of building more square heads like before only rather than sanding my mounting block I will use an adjustable mount and set the BE 1st then the module and last the optics along the straight and level beam.



  • rightway.JPG
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  • squarehead.JPG
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SO two main things here.

1st I think we need to construct the unit so that we have the BE mounted and in plain view so we can align the module HOT then set out optics along a level beam path.

2nd I am thinking it will be better to use a c-lens pair on each laser before the cube.
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Try, test and see.

I want to make some beam expanders so we can use the nubm44 along with a DTR G2 primary and the 6X pair, it seems like several of my 20 dollars a pop sanwu G2's are out of square with their barrels ( appears to be the case )

I have a bunch of misc lenses, so collect all you can but include a note with each to identify the FL, all mine are mix and match, trial and error at this point.


Also proper AR coatings cut down on power losses, I would really like to find a 5X like the ThorLabs at a more reasonable price.
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Not sure where all I posted this but... here is direct quote from the forum member who (one of two members) had access to one from same batch --(5 yrs ago) interesting stuff... cooking cubes!!

I performed the testing by using a single 445nm diode and rotating the cube to measure the throughput for S and P polarizations. Transmission is 97% for P and reflection is 96% for S. Both of these efficiencies are independent of input angle to approximately +/- 12 degrees. I am now "cooking" the cube by focusing the diode with a 200mm FL lens to approximately 1mm x 0.2mm on the 45 degree interface for a fluence of 1KW/cm^2. This cube is at least as good as any that I have purchased. The last test will be to look at the far field spot size with and without the cube to confirm the effect on wavefront. But, at least within 10-20cm there does not appear to be any deterioration.

and this
However, even if the readings I got were completely accurate, you're still talking about less than 10% loss. I let the cube cook for a day and a half with 3.3 watts hitting each face, and it never showed any signs of optical damage. The losses were consistent from start to finish, so I felt pretty good about the durability of the coatings.

Bottom line - based on my numbers and the low cost of these cubes, I can't see any reason why they would be a problem.
*************end quote from thread at another location.. Pros.. not hobby folks..

SO... I feel I can warranty these cubes w/o a prob. I will replace or refund.BTW- I do not think these members building dual HH 44s are planning or expecting to not have a rest/duty cycle.
mine will have fans an TECs-- not HH..labby..
Yours are well packaged but I could not get out today--will go with next mail day..(Monday)

Thankx Alaskan --
Cool. I was hoping your cubes would work for this purpose, Len. That was why I told you about this project. :yh:
Are those $10 2X camera lenses adjustable? Somehow I got the impression that they aren't.

I am wanting to build a better beam expander and use the DTR G2 rather than the sanwu G2 in both the single corrected 44 and dual corrected 44 builds, I don't like compensating for a crooked lens that's not perpendicular to the barrel.....that said we may still need an adjustable mount for what mis alignment exists at the diode/module interface.

I did get a 9mm diode press out tool from Flamingpyro to try pressing the diode back against the full copper back half ring pedestal and I want to try a square mount that's friction fit as well, but I want to build or buy a better beam expander in any case, the 3.3X has some thread slack issues that become more noticeable with distance, some are better than others.

Also the 3.3XBE needs the sanwu G2 to work with the nubm44/6X in order to fit within the 3.3XBE output lens after the input expands the corrected beam, or so I have seen more than once, strange but that's the result I have seen.......so a new BE is needed or change out the input lens that expands the corrected beam.

I think I will build another 6X corrected nubm44 but with a DTR G2 that way I can test new beam expanders with it, as long as I align with a centered hole I should be able to mount a yet unseen BE without dealing with run out, I will also try the 3.3XBE again with my next 6X corrected nubm44 but with a DTR G2 primary, my working corrected nubm44 unit with 3.3XBE uses the sanwu G2.

I have posted these results elsewhere, but they also belong here for future reference. The sanwu G2 appears to be out of alignment with its barrel.

20mm module with NUBM44(A) and sanwu G2 (#1)

20mm module with NUBM44(A) and DTR G2

12mm module with NUBM44(B) and sanwu G2 (#2)

12mm module with NUBM44(B) and 3 element
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It appears to be at least a large part of the alignment issue, also several times in the past when using other G2 primaries on a nubm44 followed by a 6X C-lens pair I have found that the 3.3XBE input lens over expands the beam and will not fit the output lens, it will fit albeit a snog fit when the sanwu G2 is used.

So if you want to use the host you had made you could try a DTR G2 and the 3.3XBE with output lens removed and body shortened with a different output lens that will slide over the end as an option or you could possibly set an additional positive lens before the 3.3XBE input lens....or you could try to put the sanwu G2 into a new barrel but I don't know how well that will work, also using it in an adjustable mount will work, but I want some stronger beam expanders anyway.

The reason for this it seems is the FL of the sanwu G2 is different enough to make the difference, I had a video showing this with different G2 lenses but can't find it.

I am going to make a 6X corrected 44 test bed type build with a DTR G2 and work on a new BE and/or test some 2nd hand expanders, I will also likely make another square head with the sanwu G2 and align it by hand while looking for a better BE to use elsewhere, for the 2 x 44 build I would like to use a good quality BE, before I spend 480.00 on a thorlabs 5X I would like to know if it will work, or if I will need an additional lens before it's input.

What other single element short FL aspheric do we have available besides the DTR G2, sanwu G2, and Chinese G2...there is the G9 that I have not tested with the 6X pair yet, I wish sanwu had some specs on their lenses.
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I've got a couple of the 9 mm diode lenses we call the G9s. Bought a bunch of brass lens housings to use with them and some other 6.3 mm lenses I have that are just loose. I have one that is 12 mm FL. Bought it several years ago thinking I might find a use for it.
