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LPF community dual 44 project, Share your ideas.

Since I am limited in what I can do to change the alignment of the diode, I am waiting for someone else to complete the current single 44 build before I attempt mine. I need to see how others have overcome alignment problems before I proceed. So, I am waiting patiently until one is finished and a review is posted. :yh:
Rotator included...Purple rectangle....As to what to tackle first.....MMMMM....
Depends....Do you have a Fire Extinguisher to put out the fire your hair will be on.... when aligning these challenges ???
I will add more thoughts on what to do first !!! Depends on what you can buy or have made ???? Not sure ????

I can go with either the 20 mm copper module, or ask Rich to make me one that will allow for a 12 mm copper module. I plan on aligning it around 1 amp, which won't cause the need for my fire extinguisher. Once I have it where I want it I will run the current up to 4.5 amps and make sure it is still good. I have first surface mirrors so I can bounce the beam around and have a nice close look at it in the far field to make sure the alignment is spot on. What else do you think I should have?
I think possibly the mailman lost my nubm44 in 20mm module I ordered on the 5th, so as soon as the diode I just ordered arrives I will press it into a 20mm and see what I get, also going to get a 20 to 12mm heat sink and try that too, if either is reasonably straight I will set my c-lenses and I have a brand new 3.3XBE ready to go, if not I am thinking the flat shelf and square diode module would be a good bet, failing that I can hand fit a block holding a diode module as I have before on a flat shelf, but not everyone will want to do that, will update as soon as I can.

I am also open to creative solutions and don't mind paying for custom made parts, I am going to try the round modules 1st and already would have except the mailman, so we shall see, but I really do think the square mounts could do the trick, with a fully flat shelf to mount it, it's the height that I see as a problem for the brass mount with topside slot attachment points.
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Well...Combination Dual Builds ....or LD+CLens+BExpander…..BOTH will be fairly complex builds.

I suppose...the most complex LD HH to date....has been a Combination Dual build.....with a Beam Expander !!!

HHhhmmmmm....since Chris and Richard have converted me....to damn near demanding a Beam Expander...…….I would lean toward the Single 044 with CLenses and a Beam Expander....but......13W of the 450 line....That is tempting also !!!

I agree....that ONE member should go first.....then the lessons learned.....will likely apply to the sequence of builds to follow !!

Now....as for two (2) bounce mirrors to steer Pitch and Yaw.....well.....you can do it with one (1) !!!......but....on the Indigo Interogitor….only can the pitch of the secondary beam be adjusted.....not the Primary....unless modifications to LD Square foot plate are made !!!

The group has to decide....how complex do they want to go....for this first build.....then others to follow !!!

How about a poll ???? Chris....wanna set one up ??

In closing...I strongly suggest....If a Dual Combiner is what is choosen…..go with the Indigo Interocitor design !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

It is he result of several iterations !!

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Bob, I really would like a dual diode PBS build for this one, could of course be used for dual green or whatever too. Only thing is I am afraid of the price tag for such exacting custom parts, that plays a deciding factor for a LPF project, but if ten of them are made, should be cheaper than one. We already know the result of what you have built before, works well, so no risk in that.

Hmmmmmm ????…..and HHHHHHhhhhhhhmmmmmmmm ?????? :D:D:D

I will think about what I may offer ???

We are in the middle of many, many projects and questions now.....let's look...

1) Single 044 with Cylindrical lenses and a beam Expander
2) Dual LD's with Rotator PBS and Cylindrical lenses
3) PACA design LD Mount
4) PALDM Tilter LD Mount

Against the backdrop question's==>

a) Indigo Interocitor design ? Other Dual design ?
b) Retain the 20mm DTR LD Mount or migrate to a square mount ?
c) Continue with the Original " Central Insert "....or go with a new Central Insert design ?

YIKES......what works ???? what does not ??? worth the time and $$ ??

What can or would I sell.....???

I tell you....my head is really spinning !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I think....the PACA LD mount....MAY, MAY someday be a standard design.....it is complex....but will likely work !!!!....but that project....is....in itself a huge undertaking !!!

Honestly.....I would suggest a multi unit build....of the II design.....Slightly modified Cube LD Mounts, Lasertack mirror and PCB mounts .

This unit has some custom pcs and several stock parts !!

I could do a production line run on this base unit.....and mount ALL the components on an ally plate.

THAT Ally plate could then be bolted to a machined flat which would be presented by a Central insert unit.

I gotta think about a ALL this !!!!


Well....Let us see what interest is out there !!! I must now view this from a different perspective....that being lowest cost and easiest for a member to incorporate into a build. Or....maybe....all this speculation is a waste of bandwidth....because there will not be enough interest !! Dunno ??

Because the LD Mounts, Mirror/PBS and Bounce mirror are off the shelf...that helps for the time.

The LD Mounts are from LSP or


LSP currently has no CU. I know his quality is perfect....but his unit cost is 3X. We would have to explore the QC in the Rose CU units. In any case....the LD Mounts need to be customized in height. This is demanded so that beam elevation aligns perfectly with the BE axis.....which would be the host central axis.

As for the Lasertrack mounts, they are fine at the stock geometry. See https://www.lasertack.com/en/adjustable-mirror-holder

I gotta rethink this !!!!!! IF a Ally base plate is used....mmm ???? then...we may be able to eliminate the Brass plate which is currently used as a sub base for the Lasertrack units...less cost and time.

We will still need the Cylindrical lens holder !! This holder is demanded....for it will provide pitch adjustment for the beams as they enter the BE !!

SO....we still have the LDmount with modifications, the custom Acrylic Cylindrical lens holder,the Lasertrack mounts, and a specific size Ally plate for the base.....plus all labor to assemble.

I am assuming the Rotator optic can just be fixed to the Ally base plate with UV epoxy !!

The end user would need to purchase; LD's, Collimation lenses (G2), Rotator optic, PBS Cube, Bounce mirror and Cylindrical lenses.

The end user would need to fix/attach and align all the above components.

All who have been following these advanced builds have seen an evolution towards the most efficient, smallest, least # of parts designs.

The above blah, blah is yet another step in that direction. The design is driven by cost and ….well....modularity !!

Finally....cost ?????? ….. Function of units supplied.

Comments ??????

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Bob, I have that copper module, but bought mine about a year ago. It cost me more like $15.00 to $20.00 back then. Nice to see they are less than $8.00 now. Geess!
I screwed up....and posted this drawing in the "LPF Member designed host "by mistake.

Anyway....This render is inspired by the THP drawing above.

We already had Yaw and rotational adjustability.....and we were looking for a simple way to have Pitch adjustability also.

SOoooo...THP comes up with a a " Cylinder within a Cylinder "....perfect....easy way to maintain good thermal transfer....and achieve Pitch adjustability.

I show a cone geometry....front and rear. This is due to the up and down movement of the outer cylinder.

The Yaw adjustability is still delivered by left/right movement of the entire mount.

The Rotational adjustability is still done by rotation of the 12mm module/inner cylinder....within the 18 mm outer cylinder.

Still need to work out some details....as in placement and accessibility of the cylinder set screws.

This is the final piece of the puzzle !!! THANX THP !!!

We have arrived !!!



    85.7 KB · Views: 18
Added Set Screws for Rotational set and Pitch set....see V3 attached......Lika a Dog....with a new Bone...Bow Wow !!! :D:D:D



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Are you sure about heat transfer on these? The diode is close to the front and so it is close to where there is no contact on top or bottom. I assume the sides are still in contact, but by how much?
Trin the diode must be placed so the highly divergent axis is seen as a horizontal line far field in order to work with the 6X C-lens pair, or 90 degrees and employ a rotator, it must sit like this : So we can't rotate the diode module or it's holder to compensate for run-out.

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