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FrozenGate by Avery

Lost thread and why these seems to be a LOT of necro-posting lately..

Apr 2, 2009
First the necros...
If you scroll down there is 10 or so thread titles or ads for stuff being sold.
I 'thinks' the ones linking to LPF threads are chosen at random.
Lots of them are quite old and posting in some WOULD be a necro.
I have necro posted myself because I failed to read the OP date as well as several of the latest post dates-- We need to do BOTH--

Last night I clicked on one thread from 2011-
That is the only way to know the date of the OP.
- title was something like--'which lasers are the most dangerous or powerful'

. Lots of great posts and not an easy or simple question to answer. I had an opinion and started my reply in Word. I had not seen the last posts BUT felt the question was very important and no two posters had the same exact opinion.
SO imho posting in that one would NOT be a necro....lots has changed in 10 years. AND there is more than one way to understand and answer the question.. Terms like'most danger' . 'most powerful' 'brightest' and more are confusing... I really wanted to post in in the 2011 OP but have not been able to find it.
SO until I do I will most my words here.. TY for understanding and be safe!!!!
Great Thread and just as important now...nearly a decade later..
IMO what the OP was asking is : which wavelength (Not 'color' btw) is the most 'dangerous' (not necessarily most brightest) back then for every laser geek who owned MORE that just the three 'pen-pointers very very few owned any other than these 3--532/650 & 405.

All take same batts , 2 aaas. Now if we do know (very few had LPMs at that time) that all made about the same mW... that would be one answer.

I feel that the 405 was most dangerous... and here is why..
The 405 looks harmless but in my experience it burns faster in a side by side test with same or near same mW output. BUT if I had any doubt something happened that made me 100% sure that 405 by far was the 'least safe'.

I sent a RGV trio (all pen pointers and only $6 for all three) as a gift to one of my fav new JL GB members. By luck I happened to be at LPF when he PMed me. He thanked me for the surprise AND he wrote that the blue(actually violet) looked like the batts were very low and the laser quite dim --he wrote that he gave it to his kids to 'PLAY' with.
NOT 532 or the 650. He was relatively new to lasers so I understood--he meant no harm of course. Maybe a few of you can meter their pen-pointers and verify. ( I only call these 'pointers' the rest IMHO are handhelds or portables. Exception may be a laser used for star/constellation pointing. Those could be just 5mW or much more.. I refer to those as 'Star Pointers'

Of the three--the blu-ray has the smallest dot and best divergence which may be one reason why mW to same mW the 405nm is the most dangerous of the visible wavelengths-- overall the lasers we cannot or barely can see would be very dangerous.

Compounded by years of us looking into the front of an ordinary flashlight- we click on and off- bang it on our palms THEN look directly while more clicking off and on.. that has become 'second nature'.

TY for reading and posting
stay safe
stay well and
stay home if you can


You know honestly I never cared whether someone necro posted or not. Heck I don't care if someone posts multiple times in a row. It just doesn't bother me but I understand that some people get upset so I refrain from doing it myself as much as possible. But really it's not a sin against nature to do these things. What does bother me are these threads made asking the dumbest of questions such as "can I use this battery?" or "what's the cheapest most powerful laser?"
You know honestly I never cared whether someone necro posted or not. Heck I don't care if someone posts multiple times in a row. It just doesn't bother me but I understand that some people get upset so I refrain from doing it myself as much as possible. But really it's not a sin against nature to do these things. What does bother me are these threads made asking the dumbest of questions such as "can I use this battery?" or "what's the cheapest most powerful laser?"
Or "Is 'laserpointerchinesescamsite#334897.com' legit?"
gotcha-- these 'rules' have been around long before I joined LPF.
As you can imagine IF somebody posted one or two words 10 times in a row,, I thnk you can get the picture..,.thus a line was drawn in the 'sand' at one post w/ some exceptions.
anyone not knowing the necros-allowed posts can PM me.

Some say it keeps the forum 'tidy'
AND there are forums that do not care and a few where new posts are so rare--doubles are encouraged. ANY post is welcome .
Sometimes the OP was many years ago. I saw one that was asking how long they might have to wait on delivery of their WL. And that was IIRC 9 years ago....yet someone posted 'did it arrive?' (ya think?)
What if the OP died a few years back?
I have seen a Mod clean up a thread with lots of doubles-and even triples.

When it is a new member they may be only posting to get 20 posts. IDKFS
I will say that a long time ago I unknowingly posted a double and got scolded.

I managed to make 10K posts w/o any doubles.

BUT I do think it is also good manners to PM the 'double poster' instead of posting that in the open forum.
As has been written many times,,, LPF is NOT a chat room.

what ....
Should we ...
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Yeah, I don't look at this forums as a social media for people to tell me what they had for lunch or their weekend plans. If it turns into a place like that, I'm out. I hate places like Facebook. LPF is a laser group like photonlexicon is a projector group primarily. This is just my opinion, so take it that way. Hope all is well with you these days, Len. ;)
WE are on the same page,
I will 'clean-up' my extra posts asap..
IF my memory is correct I THINK we once had a new member who posted 8 or 9 in a row. He was unhappy because his question had gone unanswered for 5 hours or so.

AND it was a question asked and answered many times.
Yeah, I don't look at this forums as a social media for people to tell me what they had for lunch or their weekend plans. If it turns into a place like that, I'm out. I hate places like Facebook. LPF is a laser group like photonlexicon is a projector group primarily. This is just my opinion, so take it that way. Hope all is well with you these days, Len. ;)

Agree and you are not alone with that opinion.
LPF is a Laser and laser related technology forum.
LPF is not a social media chit chat forum for people playing "pretend" and "friends" with nothing to do or say and nobody to do or say it with nor for people with a pathological need for attention for whatever reasons posting "look at me, look at me" meaningless posts repeatedly

Way to many of those type of posts on LPF in recent months---meaningless nonsense facebook-like garbage posts and brainless "as if" "pretend/imaginary character" posts that contribute nothing and have been dragging LPF down and through the mud ruining an otherwise great Laser forum for several months and discouraged many excellent real and interesting content contributing members from posting.

Hopefully the Mods will catch/see and correct same removing/deleting those type of posts which amount to a type of spam and/or trolling by LPF standards and rules + give warnings against doing same.
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