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FrozenGate by Avery

Looks like the FDA is finally fed up with handheld lasers...

Not a one of you has thought about filing the required import forms, temporary evaluation import forms, and filing a manufacturer's report for the devices you seek.

The paperwork is not that difficult.

Shame, shame, shame, shame.... Or your just seeking instant gratification.

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LSRFAQ, the problem is that the paperwork would not be approved. Usually (and I have looked into this), accession numbers are only granted to people who have a reason for having said device. "Pointing at prisms for taking pictures" is not an adequate reason, methinks.
Maybe a blunt approach whilst on first thought would have no chance of passing but.I want to have a laser X on my person as a non lethal self defense device rather than carry around a colt 45 ...whats going to kill you a Colt 45 or blue 445 at 1 watt ..( mind you the blue is much better at keeping some basterds after you away from a long way and you don't run out of shots)Somebody shouldn't be messing with my life so they deserve whatever non lethal defense i come up with ..death or being blind maybe ..its a no brainer...just might get there attention i doubt it but you never know.Even flash blindness would be enough to get away and save your life cant shoot real well if you cant see for a few minutes or even a minute.
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Don't give them ideas Blaster ;)

The second a hand held laser is "viewed" as a self defence "weapon" it's all over.

Information from a U.S. Federal Bureau of Investigation and Department of Homeland Security memo stated that al Qaeda had explored lasers as a weapon, including a possibility of lasing aircraft cockpits to interfere with pilots’ ability to operate their aircraft safely.4 The most vulnerable portion of a flight to such an attack is in landing.5 However, terrorism was reportedly not thought to be the cause of the numerous aircraft lasing incidents that have been reported. It must be noted that the Aum Shinrikyo cult in Japan, which executed the 1995 Tokyo subway sarin gas attack, was developing a fluoride laser for terrorism purposes.6

4“Terrorists May Use Lasers to Blind Pilots, FBI Warns,” Los Angeles Times, December 10, 2004, Terrorists May Use Lasers to Blind Pilots, FBI Warns - Los Angeles Times (accessed January 7, 2009).
5See Van B. Nakagawara et al., “The Effects of Laser Illumination on Operational and Visual Performance of Pilots Conducting Terminal Operations,” DOT/FAA/AM-03/12 (Washington, D.C.: Office of Aerospace Medicine, 2003).
6Kyle B. Olson, “Aum Shinrikyo: Once and Future Threat?” Emerging Infectious Diseases 5, no. 4 (1999): 513–516, Volume 5, Number 4?August 1999 - Emerging Infectious Disease journal - CDC (accessed January 7, 2009).
Damned if you do damned it you don't ,cant win there isn't one person out there that wouldn't IF they had a laser use it in self defense ....sigh i do see your point ..but a laser really is self defense not offensive weapon if it has to be labeled as anything ..like a taser,..bottom line you carry a gun around as self defense that can kill but OMG you cant carry a laser that may blind you, there is something really wrong with that logic
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Agreed^ it's partially media though, if it gets bad rep off the bat it won't be long before logic inconsistencies crop up
Not a one of you has thought about filing the required import forms, temporary evaluation import forms, and filing a manufacturer's report for the devices you seek.

As I said earlier, the FDA said that they're not going accept products into the USA that are portable and exceed Class 3R/IIIa safety limits, and any paperwork that might allow such a product into the USA will be denied (product reports etc.), UNLESS you file a variance application for that product. And they also said they're not going to approve any variance applications unless you are either law enforcement or the army.
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Bit like me filling in the import license request for an automatic rifle, it's academic if the import license is approved or not, the weapon itself is illegal here so would be seized by customs.


Except portable lasers >5mW are *not* illegal in the USA. I'm not American but AFAIK the FDA cannot override the regulations and do whatever they want.
Except portable lasers >5mW are *not* illegal in the USA. I'm not American but AFAIK the FDA cannot override the regulations and do whatever they want.

Valid point Atom (+1)

My limited understanding is the FDA won't allow the import of portable lasers above 5mW, so it's a tiered system.

While their end use / ownership is legal the "act" of importing lasers over 5mW isn't. Sending them to the USA is legal (I can send anything, anywhere so long as it doesn't require an export licence)

A better example would be say internet medicines, take Nurofen+ tablets, here in the UK they are perfectly legal to buy over the counter without prescription, I can have as many of the tablets in my house as I like.

In the country of manufacture (in Europe) they are also perfectly legal.

If I wish to bring them in to the country I need an import license from the UK Home Office that is only ever granted to medical professionals / pharmaceutical companies who can show good reason for wanting them and have filled in the required paperwork.

Even if I fill in the DR60 paperwork for an import license the application will be refused by the home office as they are considered a controlled item for import to which I have no reasonable exemption to import.

For lasers it's the act of importing that seems to be the moot point.


Makes sense but someone well versed in American legislation should probably take a deep look at the import regulations.
I'm sure it's on the FDA website...
It is next to the part that says don't bother it will not be approved but will charge you for the privilege of asking and then we will put you in our black book of trouble makers.
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and then we will put you in our black book of trouble makers.

Pretty much brother :)

When I started shipping laser tubes the first one got checked and held for months, now so many years later they don't even get opened so I would extrapolate they are expecting "laser tubes" to be shipped to a company called "OpticalPower" and don't bother checking.


