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FrozenGate by Avery

Looking for Mirrors or Light bending glass

pack/change? you mean take apart?

yeah sorry that wasnt very clear, i mean like to rearrange the optics and take it apart. But from the pics it looks pretty simple to use so i cant wait for you to get it livinloud
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You will need to get a fog machine if you wan't to get good beam shots with that optics set. Well, beam shots in general, that 532nm is only 1mW and the 405nm wavelength is near UV and not very visible.
UPDATE: (Box is a small flat rate box) (sorry for the double post, will delete the above post)

Little bit of 532nm added ;)

The final product (all lens are easy to remove with a little wiggling. two mirrors, especially the larger one, are harder to remove. large mirror held in place with some glue so chip away at that, then place flat on a table and press down tightly and bend the case away. there are safer ways to remove i.e. soaking in glue-be-gone is how im doing my other one)

Lens up close

These are really good for macro photography as well

Before lens:

After adding lens:

Sorry about the blur but my tri-pod was upstairs, gives you a basic idea

The lens in the metal frame is the diffraction grating
these are actually kinda of cool when still together, wanting to leave one of them together but im just going to take both apart. one of the lens came broken so DTR offered to send me a replacement with my next order.......once again amazing service from Jordan!
thanks livinloud when my laser comes i will almost definitely buy it when my laser comes, nice shots btw.
more pictures will come, im going to mess around with the lens and mirrors tonight and get some cool shots
pictures to come tomorrow. ill be testing them tonight. i believe one of them expands the beam and there are a few to focus it better. looks like one blocks all 532nm light but results to come in the morning
You will get:

7 Different Lenses of Varying Design
2 Dichros
1 Diffraction Grating(although it does more diffusing the beam than anything)
2 FS Mirrors.

It is very easy to take apart and you can view some pictures on DTR's Website under the product: just scroll down.

oh ok thx wannaburnstuff, ive seen the picture put the lenses werent that clear. Have you got any idea what Dichros are?
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So played around last night with the optics and then i had a big scare (will talk about at the end but pictures first)

DONT ask me how i get a "J" to appear but this happened MULTIPLE times with this lens

The large concave lens can also be used to "bend" or project the laser at various angles

Now for the scares, scare #1

ALWAYS BE AWARE OF HOW THE LIGHT REFLECTS! I had my glasses on so i couldnt see the beam off the mirrors and apparently it jumped off the mirror a few times and burnt my window :shhh:

Scare #2........As im messing around with the mirrors and the 445nm, a car drives up my road (30 feet in front of the silver truck. where the beam is pointing is parallel to the road). I shut my laser off since i heard it and it slows down (mean muggers)! I take my glasses off so i can see better and oh what type of car is it.......CROWN VIC! CRAP now the police know i have lasers. On the bright side, my family knows the town police VERY VERY WELL! I wasnt using them in any negative way so im almost 100% they would just ask me about them but crap my heart jumped and skipped a few beats!

Overall these optics are pretty fun to use. If you have a pair of helping hands then they will be very handy, if not then go to harbor freight and get some for $3-5 or fleabay from china works. As mentioned earlier, removal of optics was very easy except for when you get to the mirrors but even then, being careful and taking your time will make it easier.

Wish the police didnt roll up because id have more photos but now i guess ill take my testing to back deck instead of out my window :crackup:

Hope you enjoy :beer:
The j is most likley an artifact from not having the beam centered on the lens. I cant remeber which lenses I used but you can take two of them and make a pretty decent beam expander. Need to get sone pvc pipe to hold the optics. Havnt really gotten around to it though.

Just like with a firearm ypu have to be aware of your suroundings and what is past the target/beam dump. I would never recommend shining lasers out of windows. You just dont know whos outside nor do you want to draw attention to yourself.
