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FrozenGate by Avery

Looking for European sellers


Apr 27, 2012
Hi this is my 1st post so I wolud like to greet everyone! ;)

I am from Eastern Europe and I am looking for European companies/sellers selling lasers, laser pointers for retali buyers, as I want to buy a few ones. I prefer these ones which are selling protective googles as I am a newbie. I know that a bunch of you come from USA but I want to avoid tax & duty. Want to ensure you in my country lasers are not limited if anyone ask for that.

Please point here known, respectable laser-selling European sellers/companies you dealt with.

Thank you.

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See my signature, bitlasers.com. I ship from scandinavia. I just opened the shop :)

I do however only accept bitcoin as payment, which can be difficult to figure out if you've never heard of it before. weusecoins.com for info on bitcoin.

If you don't want to deal with bitcoin, www.odicforce.com is a respectable UK based seller.
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Thanks Grix. Indeed, bitcoin isn't very popular. Maybe you would consider paypal? (I know it's not free)
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Hello and welcome to our forum, enjoy your stay :beer:
I live in Greece, and i am planning on selling a new laser.
PM me if you are interested.

Thanks Grix. Indeed, bitcoin isn't very popular. Maybe you would consider paypal? (I know it's not free)

I may start accepting other payment methods in the future, but for now I will only accept bitcoin, I'm sorry. The point of the shop is just as much to spread the idea of bitcoin as it is to make a profit.
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