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FrozenGate by Avery

Long Range Lasers Glasses

Apr 1, 2013
We are looking into investing in safety wear for our customers! Are there any suggestions as to where we can find quality laser safety glasses straight from the manufacturer?

We have looked into a few on Alibaba but I would like to hear your opinions on what specs you would like to see in them.

Comments, suggestions, any kind of feedback would be great!

Possible suppliers
New Laser Safety Glasses With Ce En207,En208 Certificate - Buy Laser Safety Glasses,Laser Safety Glasses,Ipl Safety Goggles Product on Alibaba.com

Laser Eye Production Goggle Sells Good In European - Buy Laser Eye Production Goggle Sells Good In European,Laser Goggles,Anti Laser Glasses Product on Alibaba.com

Laser Safety Glasses - Buy Laser Safety Glasses,Nitrile Examination Gloves,Laser Safety Glasses Suitable Laser Emitters Product on Alibaba.com

Please Laze Responsibly!!
Long Range Lasers

Well seeing as your only selling green lasers at the moment.
The first one says it protects it, but I cant see how since it is a green lens and green lenses seem to pass green light really well, as far as i know. I wouldn't buy it for this, but that's just me being skeptical towards it

The second shows the blue ones and an orange one in one picture. On the lens it says the blue ones no good, but the cheep orange one says it'll work.

The third up to 450, which is a little above your 532 mark... However your lasers aren't IR filtered as far as anyone knows, and those glasses have no IR protection.Granted the IR probably isn't that much, but these glasses that I found by searching this site for a 532 goggle with IR protection should cover that.

I don't know if that site sells bulk or from manufacturer, but I'm not here to do everything for you now am I? ;)
Did you also notice that you have to buy 600pr each from that manufacturer min qty and 3000pr each for the lowest price.
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I'd be cautious about buying those goggles. If those goggles are indeed EN207 certified, one would expect the manufacturer to specify EN207 protection ratings. EN207 does not use the OD measure; that is a rating used by the ANSI Z136 standard. The fact that those sites are using the OD rating in conjunction with EN207/208 makes me highly suspicious of their quality and actual certification -- if any. Also don't rely on the "CE certified" that many sites proclaim, as it can mean anything from ergonomics to impact protection, meaningless with respect to eye protection.

There is a reason why certified goggle filters cost $50+ on the low end: the materials have actually been tested and certified by a certification authority to the protection standards. Any goggles you sell better be tested or the filters actually certified with actual documentation. Though goggles such as the Eagle type goggles that are sold are not certified, people have tested them directly and found the claims of protection to be suitably accurate. However, we still wouldn't consider them bonafide "certified" at least as compared to the filters you'd get from a company like OEM Laser Systems.
Wow, sorry bout the bad lead then. Just trying to throw something out there real fast to get ya in the right direction.
It was a pair that someone recommended in an old thread.
Well, not totally a bad idea, but you've just gotta confirm whether these sellers are really selling what they're claiming they're selling before committing to a large order. That means either testing them yourself and claiming to be the certifying authority, or having certified documentation, or other info.

On another note, I don't know if there's any point to the IR protection, or protection at all for that matter, if his lasers are supposedly eye-safe. Goggles are really to protect against Class 3b lasers or higher, or just for ergonomics (such as alignment).
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I've bought quite a few pairs of safety goggles from some questionable Alibaba suppliers, although they look nothing like the goggles pictures in your links.

From my experience, they are simply a rip off. I would definitely buy from a more reputable supplier.
