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FrozenGate by Avery

Little help on building M140 into C6


Sep 6, 2010

I'm going to put one of my M140 on a C6 host i bought from DX:
C6 DIY Cree LED Flashlight Full Casing/Shell with Driver Pill (2*CR123A/1*18650) - Worldwide Free Shipping - DX

I'll probably buy an aixiz module heatsink from yobresal.

My doubt is about the driver, will this driver work?
5-Mode 1000mA 7135 Circuit Board for Cree and SSC Emitters - Worldwide Free Shipping - DX

Are there any other drivers of easy assembly around? Does a square driver (like X-drive) fits inside that aluminium cilinder with the positive contact of the battery under it?

That's all I need right? Diode+module+heatsink+Driver+C6+lenses ?

I searched a lot around but didn't found any tutorial on how to build a C6
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Flash light drivers aren't really used with lasers as they don't produce a very 'refined' output, which can damage laser diodes. I've used a driver very similar to the one you posted because I wanted strobe function (and they're so cheap!!!), and it worked okay.... :yh:
Definitely don't recommend a flashlight driver for a laser, especially if they're being pushed to their limits as people do here.

Also, why a C6 host for such a powerful build? Your run time is going to be _very_ limited, probably no more than 10 seconds, and your battery life horrendous too.
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One other thing though, that driver has a max input of 4.5v so only one Li cell. And because it's a linear driver you wont get the needed voltage for your diode from one cell. You'd be better with a boost driver or a driver similar to the one you posted that accepts a higer input voltage (8.4v) & use 2 CR123A's in your host
Definitely don't recommend a flashlight driver for a laser, especially if they're being pushed to their limits as people do here.

Also, why a C6 host for such a powerful build? Your run time is going to be _very_ limited, probably no more than 10 seconds, and your battery life horrendous too.

Well if he's only aiming for 1000ma input, that should be fine for a c6 host
The driver probably wont work because the voltage required for the flashlight is lower than the voltage for the M140.
I think it might work with the red diodes only.
I can't find any A140 diodes for a reasonable price.

My family has some electronic components and gadgets stores in Brazil and i'm building a few lasers to sell on his stores.

A140 at ~1W is enough for me, and C6 host is cheap so i can get a good profit.

Where do you buy a140?
I haven't seen an A-140 for sale for some time now. Most of the time these diode are leftovers from people who bought a few. Best of buying an M-140 imho. Or the 1W diodes on fleebay but those are overpriced for an A-140.

There are some A140s that come up for sale on eBay from time to time.
I've seen some but all $35-45 and i don't know the sellers, i prefer paying $10 more to buy M140 from DTR
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