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FrozenGate by Avery


hm. true but you could also buy one from a guy from the forums maybe?

yeah i have £50 and im buying 3lasers from a member here. a 50mw green, 100mw red, and a 80mw ish blue. but their all pen style, no focusing, so dont htink they will burn too well, and all for £42. do you think that is good deal?

also for £3 buying 2 x 18650's and 6 x 16340' from a very nice member who has lots of batts lying around and is charging me only postage (£3)

and does anyone know any other good cheao laser sites that can be trusted and have up to spec lasers other than lazerer,laserbtb,olike, rayfoss
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thats a good deal, the price would usually be much higher if you bought em from o-like, lazerer or rayfoss, go buy it from him, sounds like a great deal :)
As you're getting into lasers, burning stuff, popping balloons etc, have you thought about trying some simple laser show effect - ie, tunnels, spirographs, searchlights.

A couple of pc fans, small mirrors and other bits is all you need. (search you tube for D.I.Y laser show ;-) )

I've attached a couple of pics of my little contraption - perfect for lower powered pen style lasers. (they sit in the foam stuff you can see in the pics which holds the button on :D )

I can do tunnels, spirographs (varying speeds) and the diffraction grating is set so a laser shines through that and all the split rays then go through the glass prism - gives an awesome effect all over the walls and ceiling - fill the room with smoke and its out of this world :D


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