@Accutronitis, thanks for posting this clip. That was very informative and added to the thread not only as concerns the Lunar, conditions. But also included a brief overview that similar hostile conditions are present on the Martian, surface as well. You began this thread by drawing attention to the retrorelfectors, that were left on the Lunar surface during the Apollo, missions. This remains as you indicated, an interesting Laser related topic. However, like with most thought provoking subjects, the conversation soon diverged into other related areas such as the current, effusively charming cosmological spitballing. That should actually be viewed, as having achieved a certain level of validation for your original premise. But I digress.
To tiller the conversation back to the Lunar, questions- after exploring what the current status of the 'reflectors' may be due to the accumulation of Lunar dust on the surfaces, this also brings up another interesting aspect of some additional measuring equipment that was installed alongside the reflectors. That equipment consisting of Seismometers, which revealed other interesting aspects of the Lunar body.
Now while this too lends itself as fertile fodder for other charming cosmological fantasies, it also provides another perspective that serves to reinforce the awe and wonder of creation. In that the Earth and Moon, relationship involves so many sublime nuances that, to coin a phrase from another recent post- layers of removed skins, really only tends to serve as a basic analogy for the current state of observational cosmological knowledge.
Also, I would like to suggest that your thread demonstrated some of the vital roles that Lasers have played.
And how they continue to provide support for Mankind's efforts towards exploring, and understand the universe that we live in. :gj: