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FrozenGate by Avery

Lasers in Cars

Honestly I've routinely done this while being a passenger myself. It's a lot of fun sometimes and as long as you're doing it in a sane way there's nothing wrong with it. Just look out for cops and don't do it in heavy traffic situations.

If you need to look out for the cops..... You must be doing
something wrong....:whistle:


If you need to look out for the cops..... You must be doing
something wrong....:whistle:


Yes because cops are never out and about just to enforce completely insane rules.

Hey did you know that it's illegal to eat pickles in the city of Newark, NJ on a sunday....

It's very very wrong:sarcasm:

Seriously, though, legality aside, if no one is being harmed... why is it wrong?

Edit: I'm always on the lookout for cops because I'm a habitual speeder personally.
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Yes because cops are never out and about just to enforce completely insane rules.

Hey did you know that it's illegal to eat pickles in the city of Newark, NJ on a sunday....

It's very very wrong:sarcasm:

Seriously, though, legality aside, if no one is being harmed... why is it wrong?

That's why you won't see me in Newark, NJ on Sundays.....:na:
I like pickles....

Hey.... the OP asked if it was Legal and I answered him...
If he or anyone else want's to do it there is nothing I can
do to stop them... but I won't condone it..

If he needs a Laser Beam fix that bad that he can't wait to
get home or to his destination... then there are other issues
he will need to address and work out... IMO :beer:

I don't find prostitution wrong... but it is still illegal....
I see nothing wrong shooting a gun as long as I don't
aim it at anyone... but it's still illegal out in public...

I know one thing for sure... If I'm on the road... and I
see a Laser being shined in my vicinity... the Moron will
get a shiny new suppository...:eg:

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I don't find prostitution wrong... but it is still illegal....
I see nothing wrong shooting a gun as long as I don't
aim it at anyone... but it's still illegal out in public...

Laws were initially supposed to be an expansion of basic morals and common sense. Now many of the laws are just ridiculous are and themselves immoral. Personally I don't have any issue with any of those things either, but plenty of people would, especially with that first one.

I know one thing for sure... If I'm on the road... and I
see a Laser being shined in my vicinity... the Moron will
get a shiny new suppository...:eg:

LMAO! I can just see this playing out on youtube sometime soon:D
SO I guess what is being said then would be :

It may or may not be illegal, wise, safe, smart, or condoned.

You shouldn't do it as you are only inviting trouble for yourself and anyone with you.

If you do you had best be prepared for the consequenses. (And know where LASERBEE lives unless you like the idea of a shiny suppository !)
What ever happened to using your best judgement? If it doesn't feel right, or you must ask if it is ok to do, go with your better judgement and don't do it. :beer:
Hmm, I forgot to check back in on this thread. As i've said before, sometimes when i'm bored in the backseat of a long drive, i'll shine up a bit. I doubt it's much of a distraction with the brightness of neon signs and oncoming hi-beams nowadays.

I know that police will sometimes think that a weapon is being aimed at them. I just read an article about a retard who tailed a cop and shone a green laser through his windshield twice.

I just thought that if I can walk down the sidewalk next to a busy road and use a laser, it shouldn't be a problem in a moving vehicle as long as I follow the same safety guidelines.
Maybe you really can't walk down the sidewalk next to a busy road shinning your laser and you just don't know it yet !
Wait till you see a cop coming down the road and then try it and make sure he see's you and the laser and then you will know !
try waving at him as he drives by :crackup:

I just thought that if I can walk down the sidewalk next to a busy road and use a laser, it shouldn't be a problem in a moving vehicle as long as I follow the same safety guidelines.
Maybe you really can't walk down the sidewalk next to a busy road shinning your laser and you just don't know it yet !
Wait till you see a cop coming down the road and then try it and make sure he see's you and the laser and then you will know !
try waving at him as he drives by :crackup:

I've had cops pass me by as I was walking. I was walking past a parked squad car a few days back and the officer really took interest in my laser like a little kid. He told me that if they were cheaper, he'd get one himself.

And here's the retard I mentioned earlier: Man Repeatedly Shines Laser Into Officer's Car, Police Say - Local News - Louisville, KY - msnbc.com
Police said the BMW's driver, 46-year-old John P. Vella, told the detective he had just left work at Shenanigan's Irish Grille and "was just playing around."

Ugh, normal people who act retarded piss me off to no end.

Also I find it strange that a person working at a shenanigan's can afford a bmw.
