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Lasers and proximity to an airport.

ofc not no app can show all actual planes but its still not bad use it to get an idea whats out there.
I'm likely just within the 10 mile radius to Rochesters main airport and RARELY shine a unit outdoors.
Does anyone have a govt website or other confirmation of the 10 mile restriction? I've looked everywhere and can't find a single thing. :(
Hey, that is cool. I'm going to build an
airport out of legos in my front yard. No
lasers for 10 miles. Then after that I
will declare a Sensitive Flight Zone (SFZ)
somewhere, but I won't tell anyone where it
is or get off my fat ass to publish any
maps. See what I did there?
Has anyone noticed that the FAA link above no longer works? The document must be posted somewhere else?
Has anyone noticed that the FAA link above no longer works? The document must be posted somewhere else?

Yeah, it's been that way for some time now. I wasn't going to bug anyone but now that you bring it up...
Yeah, it's been that way for some time now. I wasn't going to bug anyone but now that you bring it up...

The reason you can't find it is that it is from Advisory Circular 70-2 which has been canceled. You can now find it here as part of Order JO 7400.2G, Procedures for Handling Airspace Matters on page 29-1-5 : http://www.faa.gov/documentLibrary/media/Order/7400.2G.pdf

It still can be found here: File:FAA airspace-flight-zones.svg - Wikimedia Commons Also is part of article here along with a lot of info on lasers and airspace safety: Lasers and aviation safety - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
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"4. Normal Flight Zones (NFZ). Airspace not
defined by the Laser Free, Critical, or Sensitive Flight
Zones. As with all the above zones, the NFZ must be
protected from a visible or invisible laser beam that
exceeds the MPE."

MPE = 2.6 mW/cm2 for CW visible lasers

The average cat toy is around 400mW/cm², if
my math is correct. This effectively bans
all lasers from being used outdoors.
