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FrozenGate by Avery

Laserchat not working? Read this ..

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May 1, 2007
Hi, I have seen a few threads on laserchat not working for heaps of people. Being an ircop on the network laserchat is hosted on, I thought I'd clear some stuff up.

laserchat.org is based around the mibbit webclient. Problem with mibbit is, everyone that connects through it, is seen by the network as using mibbits IP. In an attempt to block things like botfloods, the server is setup to allow a maximum of 3 connections from 1 IP. The result of this is that you get the "Too many connections from 1 IP" error. We are working on configuring all the servers to cooperate with mibbit, but this takes time.

There are a couple of ways to access laserchat if you have problems with the web client.

First is to use your own IRC client. If you already have an IRC client, then you can just enter in this info. Server: laser.irc.ecnet.org Channel: #laserchat

If you have never used an IRC client before, follow the steps below.

First, you need to get an IRC client. There are many out there, and I can't explain details for every client, but mIRC is the most popular, so I will go with that.

mIRC is a shareware product, however, it can be used indefinitely for free, with just a small delay on startup after 30 days.

1. Download and install mIRC.

2. Fire it up, then on the top toolbar click "Tools", then "Options "

3. You should see a dialog pop up, with a tree bar on the side.

4. On the tree bar, click "Connect"

5. Enter your full name and email address. These fields don't really mean anything, so don't feel like you must use your real name etc.

6. Enter the nickname you will be seen as on IRC. Please try and keep your nickname a reasonable size. Although the server supports up to nicks 31 characters in length, they are extremely annoying, and I will probably end up force changing them anyway :p

7. Ok, back to the tree bar, and click "Servers".

8. ECNet is a relatively new network, so is not included in the list already, so click "Add".

9. Fill in the description with something like "Laserchat". In IRC server, put: laser.irc.ecnet.org. The group can be "Laserchat" and rest of the info doesn't need to be touched, so click "Add"

10. "Laserchat" should now appear in that list. Find it, and double click on it. This should take you back to the "Connect" part on the treebar.

11. On the tree bar again, click "Options" under "Connect"

12. Click "Perform". Click the dropdown box in the popup dialog, and see if laserchat is already in there. If not, click "Add", find it, and click OK.

13. Now, in the text box under the dropdown list, type: /join #laserchat -- This is also a good place to put your /msg NickServ id password if your nickname is registered.

14. Make sure "Perform on connect" is checked, then click "OK"

15. Close the options window, and go to "File" on the top toolbar, and click "Connect"

You should now join the server, and automatically join the channel #laserchat (And whatever else you put in the perform)

Like I said, there are many more IRC clients other than just mIRC, however, setting them up should be pretty similar as to above.


Whenever I am having problems on mirc, I'll take a look at this. I am not used to it that much. Thanks Things :)
I actually made a visual tutorial for another member to get onto mibbit through another route other than laserchat.org. Here it is for everyone to see.




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