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FrozenGate by Avery

Laser to the eye star bursting effect

Thanks again 2007Revolution. My post seems to have upset some people, it was not my intention to do so.
I understand how people like myself doing stupid things can make things difficult for laser enthusiasts and I ensure you I have learnt my lesson.

Thanks again 2007Revolution. My post seems to have upset some people, it was not my intention to do so.
I understand how people like myself doing stupid things can make things difficult for laser enthusiasts and I ensure you I have learnt my lesson.

You didnt upset me. I just find the story of HOW it happened hard to believe. I hope your eye gets better :) please be careful in the future I hope i never hear of a person losing their eyesight to a laser it would be horrible. Welcome to LPF
You didnt upset me. I just find the story of HOW it happened hard to believe. I hope your eye gets better :) please be careful in the future I hope i never hear of a person losing their eyesight to a laser it would be horrible. Welcome to LPF

Ah ok that's fair enough. Would it make a difference that my drivers seat is on the right hand side? I don't know much about lasers or the angles they can reflect at. This one is unfocused also so would that effect the reflection?
Thanks again 2007Revolution. My post seems to have upset some people, it was not my intention to do so.
I understand how people like myself doing stupid things can make things difficult for laser enthusiasts and I ensure you I have learnt my lesson.

No problem, keep us updated on what happens with your eye. I really hope it gets better, would hate to have another burned retina on the forum. :(

This article shows what kind of devastating damage can be be from a relatively low powered laser, is this person's case, only 15mW.

My first eye injury...
Sure I will keep you guys updated. That article is scary and I'm glad I am not experiencing anything that bad.
I just read the whole thread, I can see a remote possibility of this happening, KillerB - Cars in Great Britain are set up opposite of ours, and the mirrors DO have 2 angles to them as previously mentioned.

The "hit" to the eye is going to be partial, #1. those mirrors are Rear surface reflective, so a percentage of the light will reflect of the front surface of the glass, another percentage will be lost as the laser passes through the glass (each way) #2. the "second" more powerful reflection will be at a slightly different angle than the "first" (far less powerful) reflection.

I agree 100% about seeing an eye doctor, vision is nothing to play around with.
I thought I recalled reading that there is a treatment for damage from an arc welding flash. Of course arc flashes contain other wavelengths & the damage may be primarily if not entirely due to UV. Arc_eye Only thing I found has been basically supportive care/treatment whereas I Had Thought I read of something to minimize long term damage if administered soon.
Consider seeing another doctor if the 1st doesn't seem to know enough about your type of damage, feel them out, ask if they ever treated flash burns.

I'm interested in hearing any other experiences with laser eye shots, reflected or direct. Hopefully not too many people have been hit.
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Surgical Ophthalmologist RIGHT NOW! Dont wait, and consider going to the ER!

If you call during business hours, Make sure you tell the receptionist you've had a injury, dont wait 2-3 more days.

Get a eye doc on the phone if you cannot get a appointment!. Even if you dial in after hours, they should have a way of reaching a "ON CALL" specialist.

Don't waste your time with a regular MD unless needed to get to see the Ophthalmologist....

They can give you steroids for the swelling, and certain things like lutein for the damage. They can also watch for certain types of damage that can cause you to loose the eye.

Take the pointer with you, perhaps it can be measured. Odds are the doc knows of a biomedical engineer who can do the measurement,

Here is the deal, I'm NOT a MD. I have considerable experience talking with those who have had retinal damage and have read many safety reports. I'm 40, but I had one minor burn working at a amusement park when I was 19 or so. I'm a former lab LSO. Normal minor damage manifests itself as a black spot that the brain tries to fill in. Before you go looking for black spots in your vision, DONT, there are small ones normally present known as "blind spots" where the optic nerve joins the retina. You dont need the stress right now of scanning your eye in non normal ways. Now, the starburst thing is NOT normal for laser retinal burns. Hopefully, you may have scratched your cornea from secondary reaction. But again, I'm not a MD and I'm not where ever you are.
That is why you need to get this checked out RIGHT NOW!

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Ouwchh i feel sorry about you.. This remembers me off the danger of an laser above 1mW. My romisen turns into an deadly (for the eye;)) weapon.

I allready lost 4 and a half toes so i will be careful with everything i have left :O

I'll hope you will get better soon, please keep us updated!

Kind regards!
Hopefully not hearing more in this thread means that his eye sight recovered. I do hope so anyway.
Well I would take LSR and others advice and go see an eye doctor as soon as possible, you can never be too careful with incidents like this.

Hopefully you get it all sorted out and there's nothing major to worry about.
