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FrozenGate by Avery

Laser Survival Uses?

Rather bad idea - how many lost people can afford to pay the energy company compensation for the losses they'd take thanks to some idiot sabotaging their infrastructure?
You think you would care about that if you were gonna die? lol

You think you would care about that if you were gonna die? lol
I think I'd risk it - living my entire life in borderline poverty while I pay back an impossible debt would suck more than a nice calm death of hypothermia. (edit - forgot in this hypothetical I have a laser, so warmth is the least of my concerns. Make it dehydration!)
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I'd rather have a gun (preferrably rifle) than a laser pointer in any wilderness situation.
Heck put a laser ON a gun. Although I'm not sure a handheld style laser could take the recoil/abuse of automatic fire.
This would look badass with a Spyder III Pro Arctic mounted on it.

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I was thinking about taking down a powerline too to bring assistance, I just couldn't think of a safe way to do it lol. In the middle of nowhere, the only powerlines are going to be those BIG metal towers they clear a wide swath for. Can't cut a tree and have it fall on it, cant cut down the poll. Can pretty much just stare at the thing angrily.

You could use it to blind birds and squirrels in the hopes they will fall of the tree then you could start a fire with the laser and cook and eat them? I mean... Thats what I would do
I was thinking about that too but the guys here are hyper sensitive about the hobby's image so I was scared to use it in any weapon context lol. That would probably work best on birds that are on the ground. A squirrel will probably still run up a tree, a rabbit will still run like heck and use its whiskers to feel its way along. A bird on the ground suddenly blinded though, probably not going to try to fly and if it does itl hit trees. Just a theory though.
That is a great idea if your very careful. Otherwise the helicoptor is going to find your smoking corpse as the problem :)

dammed right. You don't want to mess with High Voltage wires and if there was some around chances of finding civilization nearby is very high. Simply follow the lines
I have already done it and doesn't work on both procariotic and eukayiotic microorganisms ;)

Germicidal activity in light peaks at the 260nm-280nm range. Maybe a 262nm UV laser?

Do they make 5mw portables in the 262nm wavelength? :thinking:
(Excuse my ignorance I'm new to lasers, but not UV.)
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usually the uv laser pointer emits at 405 nm but could be some differences. Regard the Germicidal activity I think you're right but the very small spot of a coherent light is, for me, ineffective if compared to a large surface area illuminated by a UV lamp.
405nm is just barely outside the UV spectrum. Also, I agree that a 1mm-2mm spot would be alot less efficient when it comes to DNA scrambling than a broad coverage bulb.

As for lasers as a component in a survival kit...
Well, I guess you could always try to visually signal to others with morse code.
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As for lasers as a component in a survival kit...
Well, I guess you could always try to visually signal to others with morse code.
Yes, and it's also possible to use IR laser pointer with IR sensors for the night vision :)
I thought it'd be great for signaling a helicopter by shining it on the ground (never at the helicopter). You have the added advantage of being able to shine it at distant objects, like hills and mountains, to attract attention from viewers who are not in line of sight.

I would shine it right at the helicopter. Your not going get into trouble for signaling an aircraft for help when your life is in danger.
I have always said that if you are out in the bush, lost, injured, cold, going to die. Light the forest on fire. Make sure you are upwind of course but you will have all the help you can handle in a couple of hours ;)
I am a registered trapper and have lived out in the woods for a large part of my life. One year, I slept inside, at home a grand total of 7 nights.
A laser could be an invaluable tool for extreme wilderness survival.
A >1W laser can get you food (emergency killing only please), start fires even if you have been dunked in the drink, signal for help or coordinating hunts, etc.
I usually carry 3 knives, a zippo, 3 bics, a "permanent match", a pocket full of jerky, and a package with suture needle and mono fishing line.
You can sew yourself back together if you get badly hurt or bend the suture needle into a hook and fish with it.
The laser is a good idea in theory but I wouldn't trust my life to it.
Learning basic bushcraft/firecraft is a much better way to potentially save your life.
