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Laser for reef tank pest anemone removal.

Aug 22, 2013
Hello all,

This is my first post and I am looking for some guidance on purchasing a laser for killing pest apistasia anemones in a reef tank. These buggers are hard to kill, reproduce like mad, destructive to coral, ugly and are starting to get out of control in my reef tank.
I am looking for a blue laser as I've read on here that it's the best for water penetration. I need to be able to cook the little beasties through about a half inch of glass and a foot of water. I've also gathered from various online sources that 1.5w laser should be able to accomplish this task. Now here's where you guys come in, where should I buy this from? I've found a setup on eBay for around $125 that looks good, but I don't know. I realize there's some legal issues with selling such high power lasers fully assembled and I can assemble and do some basic soldering myself, but I just want to get the right components to fit my needs. My biggest concerns are buying a laser that's over-rated and doesn't work or buying the wrong or inferior components.
Could someone point me in the right direction? I'd also like some safety info and basic laser kit items such as safety glasses , battery charger .

My budget is of course as cheap as possible but I'd like to spend around $50

Unless this is a strange repost by the site software this has been discussed in depth ... with pictures. Search 'anemone' and you will find other posts. :)
If you search aiptasia in the google bar after clicking LPF search you will find several threads and stories of others who have questioned & resolved the same issue you're having. A lot of information can be found by doing this, but I can tell you $50 isn't going to get you a good enough laser to take care of your problem. You'll need at least a 1W laser that you can leave on for up to minute at a time to handle these aquarium pests, good luck :beer:

EDIT: spelling corrected
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^ Ahh thank you, Im sorry I did not check the spelling before :beer:
I doubt 50$ will solve this 100$+ problem.

Get with the OPs of several threads on this topic and that can be done with our search bar.
I will save my welcome until you can make an intro thread in the welcome section and finish your personal profile... please do NOT leave out your location if you expect proper help on any laser questions. There could be a salt owner with a 2W 445 living down the street and you would never meet if you choose to keep your location private.
I searched the forum for anemone before posting, got 12 results about half seemed relevant. I mis typed my budget I meant 50-150$ . This doesn't seem like a subject that's been over a thousand times on this forum but oh well thanks anyway .
Well if you can manage $150 I'd check the B/S/T section of this forum for some reputable sellers with good history & rep and ask about having something custom made to suit your need. You're way better off than trying one of the dozens of online websites that offers lasers. This is just my opinion of course but good luck with whatever you decide on :beer:
I just built a 1.7W 445nm laser and I have it listed for $150 if you are interested? I also have a 1.8W for $160 if you want a little more power. I have sold lasers of this power for this exact use and have had people tell me they worked perfectly.

Anyway, I just thought I might have built exactly what you are looking for last night.
