Svenvbins, if most of my post didn't make sense to you then maybe you should spend more time in university than at your computer, you are ignorant, and even though this is strictly against my character to explain things, ill treat you like a little kid and explain to you what I meant
This reply is specific to this gentleman, so everyone else just ignore it.
Your avatar quite accurately represents my state of mind after reading your post.
You do know that "heat" IR is about 4-14 times longer than most lasers discussed here when it concerns IR? (around 4-14 um, instead of ~1064nm, and even then the red discussed is still far below that)
Basically, forget anything about IR being 'heat' in this context - except maybe when you plan to point a CO2 laser at your cat.
EDIT: Right, I remember better now. The IR 'heat' I'm talking about is the (deep-IR) light we humans emit due to our body temperature. The sun emits at this wavelength too, but it's absolutely dwarfed by the amount of visible light it emits. Also see
Blackbody Spectrum 2.02
you are so clueless man, "EDIT, I REMEMBER NOW!!" you didn't know now you remember? ANYWAY hate aside, your claims are limited to whatever you find on the internet, i don't need to see any of your links, thanks, I have textbooks on this stuff. I am not going to post sources because its all in my head, but then again you can just google it to see if im right, so google IR and heat. Entire IR spectrum irradiates heat of every kind and every spectrum, a molten metal is red in color, it gets so hot that it nears the visible spectrum

and guess what! We have blue stars that are the hottest, you might say, well hell, what about green stars i sure dont see dose, well there wouldnt be green stars because the red aint going nowhere, it mixes up with other wavelengths to form white stars, and then when the star is super hot and turns blue! *SHOCKED*
Our eye lens blocks low frequencies, so we can't see the others? huH?
Yes, I was talking specifically about the UV spectrum, our eye lens filters out the part of UV that is visible to us, but does not block the part that is invisible to us, but since UV overall hurts us, we look away or wear sun glasses anyway, higher energy UV is taken care of by atmosphere and ozone layer.
Any high power laser, and you're too far gone already anyway.
okay? never denied it, that was my exact point
Say what? 10mW = 10mW, color doesn't make a difference. If anything, green is more dangerous because it is absorbed better into our eyes due to the red cells there. But there's no way there's more energy in a 10mW blue beam than in a 10mW green beam.
talking out of your ass much?

like I don't even want to explain this to you, I feel like I am feeding a damn troll, but ill just assume you're an utter idiot, this will help me not feel bad about myself, so, ill give you a fact and then an example of that fact, fact is Frequency is directly related to Energy. And example of that fact is a blast of Gamma ray radiation will kill you, and similar power light source like for example Sun - won't. (In case you by some miracle knew that sun also blasts Gamma radiation - our atmosphere protects us from it, hence the charged ozone layer)
Green is the least dangerous color, that's why we have so many cones that can detect it, I don't know what the evolutionary trait was if i had to speculate, but I know that nature doesn't waste energy, and metabolic/developmental processes do not waste energy, so building extra cones knowing sun would kill them off would be a huge waste, and genetically would be excluded from the genome. Same way trees reflect green and absorb red/blue because those have different kinds of adequate energies.
Shorter wavelength light has more energy per photon, and thus can excite to a higher level - or even kick off some electrons that damages cells. (Might be wrong here, this was quite some time ago for me)
However, bond vibrations are typically excited by IR-light (not blue) and by IR light I now mean ~4-14um.
you are so clueless you just completely contradicted yourself in the reply right above this where you claim all wavelengths to be the same energy :crackup:
And okay i mixed those up, you are right IR causes bond vibrations, and higher frequency UV is absorbed by conjugating bonds, excites the electrons to higher shells, making molecules more reactive and unstable, causing potential mutations in DNA, that's why the UV is dangerous, so it burs too, but what is scarier is that it burns much worse and cause much more damage, think sauna VS tanning bed for 2 hours