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FrozenGate by Avery

Laser for frying pest anemones in a reef aquarium

I doubt it. I think that most of us are all laser newbs!


Agreed, I’m a noob. I started researching the difference and it looks like they cost about the same to build or buy as kits. Is there any advantage in a lower power consumption laser with the same net effect?

It looks like the 405 could produce a .1-.2mm focal point and the 445 a .5-.6mm? With those numbers and some internet info I found the mW / mm^2 of the 1.4w 445 with a .5mm and a 500mw 405 with a .2mm focal point to be almost equal. Is this correct?

If so a 1.4w 445 produces the same output over a .5mm point that a 500mw 405 does over .2mm.

I know this may be considered necro posting but i actually tried this tonight! With spectacular results! :yh:
Has anyone else on here got a saltwater tank?
I've used it with good results to remove algae that was growing in a some of my clear filter tubes. Way easier and more fun this way.

You need to watch this with your sound on! Crazy..
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Mmmmmm....If you think Aiptasia are pests....try dealing with Bristle Worms.....
Those #@^&$#!**& things are not only a pest....they are a moving target !!! And they are BAD for the SW Tank !!!...Since my small tank has only coral in it....no fish eyes to worry about....only my own !!!

I will try to zap a BWorm.....Perhaps with the Tridentis....That'll get'em !!

Guess what's gonna get a 445nm " TAN "

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I am very new to the forum, but not at all to lasers. I was wondering if anyone can direct me to someone who can build me a custom laser. I was looking for about 1w of 447nm. Also, a waterproof host would be nice as well. I'm aware of the budget for such a device, but I need someone better than me to make it. I actually suck at moding and crafting lasers from scratch. I usually mix match good parts from multiple lasers and make a good one.
I am a US Marine, and I love to show the guys at work all my good lasers. I have some wicked lasers, but they are just so pricey. I like them, just not the price.
Yeah, it works like an absolute charm. I used my 2W M140 to blast the Aptasias(I have a 600 litre tank so I have loads of them). But over excitement resulted in a mishap. My crocodile clips shorted and blew my P3 flexmod and 445!!
But yes, you have to be careful. My Purple Tang was so curious and kept getting in the way. Almost zapped him too.
