Got a good idea if I ever finish it. Picture a wooden box with a fan built in. On the top is a tube the size of a cigarette. On the side a piece of glass so you could see the beam profile. Inside the tube is a wire, so when the cigarette is pushed into the tub, it presses on the wire and activates the laser and fan. The fan is there so no smoke enters the lighter, and it will light the cigarette without having to put it to your face. This way no laser beams are outside the box. I've had this idea forever, and have all the parts. I just need to sit down and actually put it together. It would be more like a table lighter than a pocket one. But with all the miniaturizations these days I'm sure you could build a pocket one.
@ Adam. That light is a novelty lighter. For 1. its dangerous, and 2. its design will fail from lack of heat sinking. Also battery life is a joke.