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FrozenGate by Avery

Laser cigar lighter possible?

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Lol necro bump. -rep, of course. And being 15 is an awful excuse not to use proper grammar.
How could anyone who has any extensive bench tech experience explain to me how a DC battery of the proper (or under) voltage can create voltage spikes? Laser diodes like any sensitive electronics component are designed to have voltage deviations.

The voltage 'spike' story is something that got mixed up. Proper constant current drivers with a buffer cap will run up to a high voltage, and result in a current spike from the cap into the laser diode, if the diode is connected after the current source has been turned on.

The problem with batteries is that you rely entirely on internal resistance to limit the current. This may or may not work, depending on chemistry, brand and charge of te battery used.

Even if it does work safely with fresh batteries, the big con is that power will decline rapidly as the batteries discharge and their internal resistance increases.

In conclusion, direct drive has 2 majour faults, -at least one of which- is applicable in any scenario:

- it puts too much current into the diode on fresh cells, killing it

- it puts too little current into the diode, resulting in less power than it is capable off during most or all of the batteries discharge cycle.

This has nothing to do with spikes, but in any build these downsides WILL be present and affect performance and/or diode life. Build a darn driver, it aint that hard!
It's not an excuse. I just don't use proper grammar when I write because I just write quickly and get it over with.-fixed. That took me 32.5 seconds to correct that and write it again (I timed myself). You should really learn to write properly, you really won't get anywhere in life otherwise.
Gee thanks Kevin. So kind of you to all encompass ANYTHING I have done. Have you seen every single one of my 90+ projects and tried them out? Maybe you should get some more information before you completely discredit me.

To be honest, SURE Kipkay videos make some sense. In fact some or most of his videos make a bit of sense, like the simpler ones that are easier to do. Some of the more complex builds, like the laser flashlight hack... are NOT detailed enough. It incited more than ONE million people to do this. Without a current regulator or driver, it could destroy many laser diodes. Increasing sales on Kipkays end, as well as... yet again... people wasting their money.

Sorry to be true but, YES Kipkay videos sure are a bit entertaining, they get to the point, but they are simply not detailed enough for a person to simply DIY a laser project. Most people watching Kipkay videos do not even realize the dangers of lasers. Large amounts of kids are still in he frying pan... and some are already burned up in the fire.

Don't post on a dead thread i learned the hard way. I'd suggest not posting again just trying to help you not screw up like i did. If you look at this page you will see why, and try to stay away from things kipkay related they tend to lead to bad rep and bad arguments. Advice from one noob to another :)
As for the mod it would take far 2 long your cigar, I use to be a cigar smoker and even the cheapos do not deserve such treatment. Just get a cheap butane jet lighter, you will like it a lot more than spending 20 mins using the laser.

I think you would make a better use of your time and money by buying a premade laser, most can burn just fine and you will like it a lot more.

cheap cigarette online
Don't post on a dead thread i learned the hard way. I'd suggest not posting again just trying to help you not screw up like i did. If you look at this page you will see why, and try to stay away from things kipkay related they tend to lead to bad rep and bad arguments. Advice from one noob to another :)

Did you not see this post ^? It's two above yours trust me take the advice i gave and avoid this thread nothing but trouble.
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