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FrozenGate by Avery

Laser catastrophe.

I call BS on that quote....

My Rayfoss 500mW shipped today. Before posting it Faona had it tested for me it was 518mW with an IR filter.

You can state your opinion in these boards but do NOT misrepresent them as facts.


i still dont buy it.
if your just interested in burning stuff go with the red 200mW.
but if your looking for something no one you know has seen AND will still burn incredibly well take a look at the 150mW bluray on o-like for about 100USD
i still dont buy it.

No, I didn't think you would....

Instead of making juvenile comments like this, why not give your reasons? given your vast experience with the subject, and the fact you have personal experience with the laser manufacturers concerned. Oh wait.....

All I ask when people post supposed facts is they are just that, facts not their opinion masquerading as facts. I called BS on your comment because my personal experience was vastly different from your opinion. I should point out that this is not the first Rayfoss laser I have actually owned.

Please do not take this as a personal attack on you, I would berate any child behaving badly in the same manner :na: (that's a joke by the way, take it in the manner it was meant)

yes shockwave thats the bluray i was talking about. bluray is a very interesting color and some people say its the best for burning.
Shorter wavelength.

IR is best, and it's a longer wavelength, absorbed more readily.

Simple physics, 10th grade level.

It depends at what its hitting. besides, ir laser pointers are dangerous. invisible beam, no blink reflex.
4. it cant overheat for example if i use it for 10 minutes it either blows up in my hands or just shuts off. lasers with safety timing like 200 seconds then it cools down is fine.

This is likely to be a problem with any green laser. Most of the 200 mW range use so much power you would need a very large host to keep acceptable temperature for 10 minutes or more.

You will want to get the biggest laser you can, since that often just boils down to better heatsinking. I've been looking at the rayfoss FMK series ( www.rayfoss.com ), it states it will run for 10 minutes continously, but given the size of the host, i suppose it might be able to run down an entire battery without actually overheating.

I have no experience with this laser though, and at $295 for 200 mW its not the cheapest option out there. But just the sheer size of the thing gives me the impression that it might actually work for longer running times.
not even worth the time....

I already know this.

you have successfully twisted things to suit you once again.
Why are u guys turning this into an arguement lol i just wanted to know the best green laser out there that i can afford which i have found >.> im thinking of getting
200mW transformable green laser [OLV6200] - $165.00 : O-Like, Quality Products, Great Prices but its most likely going to be the rayfoss 1... so i really dont know why u guys are argueing...

EDIT: hey i added rayfoss to my MSN thing but they havent accepted my invite... are they also on a holiday like o-like company?
yes shockwave thats the bluray i was talking about. bluray is a very interesting color and some people say its the best for burning.

If you want burning power, go for power. If you have a particular need to burn or cut specific materials, then you must consider wavelength as well. Most given materials that we here normally burn, such as black plastics, will melt just as easily under IR, as they do Blu-Ray, as they do green, etc.

I may recommend Blu-Ray for those who are just beginning to work with lasers. Blu-Ray can reach very high powers for a reasonable price. Plus, Glenn has BR goggles available, which tested very well against 405nm light. They are NOT professionally certified by any means, but they do their purpose.

I can say from experience however, that Blu-Ray does an exceptional job at burning skin...

