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FrozenGate by Avery

Laser beginner

Jul 12, 2007
Hi all,

This is my first post on this forum and i'm also new to lasers.
After looking around to buy my first one i've checked Ebay, WL, DL and Nova.
Quality and range are the most important but +100mW models are too expensive for now.

I want to use it for experiments with optics (and some burning)
The beam should be visible indoors with lights on without smoke or outdoors with light polution from the city.

I'm thinking about the Viper X-85 from Nova + Lens holder and optics (and of course eye protection)

Will this be the right decision to begin with?
And is this also suitable for star pointing?

btw. i live in the Netherlands but i guess that should not be a problem with shipping

l0l i never thought about pollution effecting beam visibility. i wonder how bright peoples lasers are in like china
i don't think you will be able to see a laser under 400 mw outside at daytime
A 5mW greenie will be the best to star point because it doesn't kill your night vision. And about the high powered lasers, DO NOT BUY AN EBAY LASER! They are wayyy under powered and you won't get what you thought. But an X85 is a GREAT decision for a good burning laser, NOVA will give you a great unit. And they ship internationally so shipping won't be a problem. But about the beam thing, you will see the beam pretty good in lighted conditions, but not in full brightness. and also your gonna need WATTS of power if you want to see the beam outside in daylight. Maybe some other members with X85's (cough cough SENKAT ;) ) can give you a good description of the beam brightness in lighted conditions.
I'm not expecting to see it with full daylight (maybe with heavy clouds)

The beam should be visible indoors with lights on.
Or outside (dusk/dawn) with citylights.

Also, what will be the minimum output needed for experiments withs mirrors/prims.
The beam bouncing off the mirrors should be clearly visible in a room with a 60W lightbulb on, even when the beam is spilt a few times.

I'm indeed thinking to buy the x85 but maybe the x65 will be enough. (then i can spend more on optics)
you will not be able to see the beam of the x85 during full daylight conditions, but it should be visible indoors. Much of the visibility depends on particles in the air (dust/water vapor etc) On a calm day in the desert/arctic you would need a much more powerful laser than in a humid or polluted environment in order to see the beam.

also, if you look along the axis of the beam it MAY be visible in partly cloudy conditions. Visibility is dependent upon reflections from airborne contaminants. Looking along the axis of the beam increases visibilty dramatically compared to looking at the beam from a right angle.

it may be a little too powerful for star pointing since a bright green beam may affect your night vision (although it will work). You may want to get a cheap DX laser for astronomy.
any mw green laser would be good for optics, but it's the "see it in light" thing that makes for a higher powered laser. if you have access to any sort of non toxic fog\smoke, even a 5mw will somewhat work
I think you should get an X85 and get a cheap fog machine. Just a tiny bit of fog (Almost unnoticable in a lit room) will make the beam SUPER bright.
I have decided.
I'll go for the X85, that one should be bright enough for use with optics 8-)
And with the lens it can also burn stuff.
Oh - it'll burn WITHOUT an external lense.....you will love the X-85....(shameless plug coming up) you should buy a raffle ticket or two ? That is one of the prizes ! 8-)
I like the 15mW WL. Its visible in dimmed areas and at night its pretty good! And the WL has a rep of sending the next power up, because the 15mW classic is so popular
Hmmm - I have HEARD that about hte 15mw classic - but not experienced it ! LOL Both mine, and Marianne's classics have pooped out (HARD) and will have to be returned - I am still undecided on whether to return mine, or dissassemble it for parts - it was a freebie via Wicked Bucks, so I really am not certain I want to spend the $20 to ship it back to them.....Anyone wanna buy a out of spec 15mw classic, and pay return shipping to Wicked ? LOL !!!
I can see the point of impact no problem in the day with my Herc 300mw and the beam if your in a shaded area.
