Re: Laser Barrels V2. GB. Second run.
The host for
my last violet had an end-clicky; I added a momentary up front (to control dimming and on/off)... and it comes in pretty handy to have both.
With the end-switch clicked off, it acts as a safety so the thing doesn't fire up in my pocket (that would be a real no-no for a 200mW red

And between the two switches it's harder for someone to just pick it up and turn it on without knowing how - it would take a couple of seconds, anyway, since the side switch is more obvious (or could be).
But if I had to choose I'd take the side switch. Haven't found any real elegant switches for that though - except the cylindrical one in some DX flashlights
like this one. If I could find raw switches like that somewhere, in different sizes...
Don't you just love the constant demand for feature-creep? :

We're going to talk you into a $100 do-it-yourself barrel before long.
so, well, disregarding that - about the "clicky" part: that could be accomplished with a simple latching circuit... if you're using a dc-dc converter it may have a toggle or a suppress or whatever-its-called that would allow it.
But - on the other other hand - side switches, unless they are in the barrel breaking the positive terminal, can add wiring hassles (and the latching circuit I favored above is perhaps worse because it requires integration with the driver board, which limits driver flexibility).