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FrozenGate by Avery

Ladies and Lasers

Jun 7, 2012
I just asked the greatest girl I've ever met to marry me today and she said yes. I'm super happy about it, and now I'll skip the mushy stuff and jump to the part where lasers are involved lol.

When we were first dating we went on a hay-ride and I had brought my first and only laser, a 200mw red. It must have fallen out of my pocket on the ride because I never found it after that, I was slightly disappointed but it wasn't a big deal, she tried to help me find it. Months later on my birthday she surprised me with a WL E3 red, I was super pumped(this was before I knew WL sucked lol). From then on she's been very tolerant and even supportive of my interest in the laser hobby as it has grown especially in the last few months. She says there is just an amazing beauty about being able to see the beam of a laser. Currently I have parts on order for 2 builds, and one is a surprise 100mW green for her(she's educated on laser safety btw).

Lasers aren't why she's now my fiance, but it sure didn't hurt lol. And despite WL sucking, my favorite laser will always be my red WL E3.

Anyone else have an encouraging story of their lady and lasers?
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Another woman who appreciates lasers, great!

I started dating my girlfriend nine months ago as of yesterday. She's kind of awesome herself - an internet geek, like me. We get along great and I want to spend a long time with her.

Anyway, she didn't really know what she was getting into when we first started dating. While she's a huge geek, she's not as much a science person as I am. So she would sometimes get upset (and sometimes still does!) when I would be sitting at my desk working on my equipment for my lasers and she would just be sitting on my floor =p Nonetheless, I think she appreciates lasers now. Like your wife, she finds the beams beautiful. She's a photographer as a hobby, and she loves taking pictures of the beams, especially with multiple colors and different exposures. With her at my side, my beamshots will forever be awesome!

Anyway, for Valentines this past year, I got her a PHR set at around 75mW. She's very safety conscious, especially because I had her read that thread about the fellow who had the 1.5Wer hit him in a direct hit :\ However, she really likes the laser because purple is her favorite color and she thought it was adorable that I built her a laser for Valentines. Not exactly a typical gift, am I right, guys?

Anyway, she appreciates the hobby more than any other girl I know and I am lucky to have found someone that awesome.
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Nothing can be more valuable to a man than a wife that supports him in what he enjoys.

Also, who else is going to remind a man that he needs to be wearing his safety glasses at all times?

(Mother is not the answer here)
Thanks guys, and I agree laser appreciating ladies are awesome, and they help give you that voice of reason that I've grown to ignore at times.
